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Student Contact

This section of the documentation will review the procedure for creating the Contact and Student Contact Fact files with links to the eSchoolPlus file layout/mapping information for those files.

Important: Make sure Student Lite and School Entry/Exit data is up to date in SIRS before you submit for any other template.

Student Contact Prerequisites

Make sure you have State Code Equiv values set up in these Registration validation tables: Languages and Relationship Types (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Registration).

Following are additional notes on how data gets used from student contact records to populate the Contact and Student Contact Fact files:

  • In the Student Contact Fact file, Student Contact Relationship is required. Use the Relationship field on the Contact Detail page Student/Contact Relationship panel to maintain this.
  • Add contact records individually. In other words, rather than using a single eSchoolPlus Contact record to signify both a student's parents, create a separate record for each parent. If you have records already entered where you combined two contacts into one record, contact PowerSchool for help separating the appropriate single records into two contact records.
  • The Contacts Download lets you filter records to process based on Contact Type. Consider this as you set the Contact Type field in the Contact Detail page header. You can limit the contact records you send using the Contact Type as the controlling factor.
  • On the Contact Detail page General panel, Home Language is used for the Contact file's Contact Oral Language Code. Language of Correspondence is used for Contact Written Language Code.
  • The Contact Detail page includes the State Contact ID field. If you have a state-assigned ID for a contact, enter this information here.
  • For the Contact file's State Contact ID field, you can either load the local eSchoolPlus Contact ID or the State Contact ID value. Refer to the Student Contact Processing section for information on running the download.

Student Contact Processing

Regulatory > Downloads > Downloads > NY Contact Download


Value for Student Contact Files

School Year

Select the year for which you want to create records, for example 2013 for 2012-2013.

Building Type

Select Building Types you want to include in the download, or leave the prompt blank to include all Building Types. The Building Type is assigned in the Building Configuration (Administration > System Setup > Building > Building).

Contact Type

Select the Contact Types you want to include in the download, or leave the prompt blank to include all Contact Types. The Contact Type is assigned on the Contact Detail page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Contacts).


  • To delete all existing records for a collection in the selected School Year and update the download table based on Filter criteria, check the collection's boxes for Populate Table and Clear All.
  • To insert records not previously downloaded based on Filter criteria, check the associated Populate Table box and un-check the Clear All box.

Use Local ID as State Contact ID

Checked to have the download use local eSchoolPlus Contact IDs (reg_stu_contact.contact_id) in the Contact file's State Contact ID field. Leave the box unchecked if the download should get this value from the State Contact ID field (ny_contact.state_contact_id).

  1. Run the New York Contact Download.
  2. Review any errors or warnings through the Download Error Log files on your My Home page and correct data as needed.
  3. Re-run the Contact Download using the same prompts as in Step 1 as many times as you need to make sure that all errors are resolved.
  4. Run the NY Student/Contact Extract (Regulatory > Extracts > Extracts > NY Contact Extract).
  5. You will get files on your Home Page called NY Contacts and NY Student Contact Fact. Right-click on the file and save it to your PC. The file name will include the School Year and the Date/Time you ran the file before the txt extension.


Value for Student Contact Files

School Year

Select the year for which you want to create records.

Column Headers

Checked to include a header row of field labels as the first line of the CSV output file that identifies each column.

Extract Collections

Check each box for the file(s) that you want to create.

Upload the file(s) to Level 0.

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