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Staff Evaluation Rating Entry

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff > District-Defined panel > Staff Evaluation – 3012d links 

The Staff page District-Defined panel has links for seven levels of Staff Evaluation Rating reporting. The abbreviations in the page titles identify the reporting levels as follows:

Page Name Abbreviation

Staff Evaluation Rating Reporting Level


Required Student Performance subcomponent


Optional Student Performance subcomponent


Overall Student Performance category


Required Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponent


Optional Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit subcomponent


Overall Teacher Observation/Principal School Visit category


Overall Composite

Staff Evaluation – 3012d Page District-Defined Fields

The fields are the same for each of the seven Staff Evaluation – 3012d district-defined pages. Each page stores the rating scores for the subcomponent or category identified in the page title. Following are descriptions for the fields making up a district-defined Staff Evaluation Rating – 3012d record at each reporting level:



Eval. Criteria Code

Code identifying the staff member's rating for the evaluation reporting level. The Teacher Course Download uses this code to validate the Minimum/Maximum Rating Points range based on comparing the Rating Points entry to the Evaluation Criteria Rating Points – 3012d validation table.

For staff impacted by transition regulations, use the code prefaced with a "T". For example, to indicate an Effective rating at the Overall Composite level, use the code TOCR03. Transition scores apply if the staff member's APPR (Annual Professional Performance Review) is based in whole or in part upon results of grades 3-8 ELA or math assessments and/or State-provided growth scores.

Eval. Review Date

Date of the staff member's review. To be included in the Staff Evaluation Rating download, this date must be in the school year you are reporting, and it needs to fall within the associated Evaluation Period Start and End Date range.

Eval. Criteria Rating Code

Enter NA.

Eval. Criteria Rating Points

Staff member's rating points value for the evaluation reporting level. This needs to fall within the Minimum/Maximum point range for the associated Eval. Criteria Code, as defined in the SIRS manual, Chapter 5.

Eval. Period Start Date

Start date for the evaluation period associated with this record. The Teacher Course Download only reports a record if the Review Date falls within the Start and End Date range. The date range must also include the current system date when the download runs.

Eval. Period End Date

End date for the evaluation period associated with this record. The Start and End Date range must include the current system date when the download runs for the record to generate.

You do not need to enter an End Date since the download processes the lowest displayed valid record from each Staff Evaluation Rating page.

Evaluator Staff ID

Staff ID for the person who performed the evaluation. This is not required by SIRS.

Evaluator Comment

Comments regarding the evaluation. This is not required by SIRS.

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