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Staff Assignment

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff > Building Information panel > click appropriate Building link > District-Defined panel > Staff Assignment

Use this page to record assignment information for your buildings' non-teaching staff members, referenced in the Staff Assignment template. The page lets you define the staff member's assignment in terms of the two code sets applicable to Staff Assignment records:

  • Personnel Master File (PMF) assignment codes providing a descriptive identifier for the staff member's job.
  • Engage NY Portal (ENYP) assignment codes identifying the staff member's data access level for the building within ENYP.

The Staff Assignment Download and Extract options let you create PMF records, ENYP records, or both.



Assignment Date

Date the staff member's assignment to the building began. The Staff Assignment Download determines the Assignment Date as follows:

Compare first day of the prompted School Year to the Assignment Date from Staff Assignment page. Use whichever date comes later chronologically.

For example, if you run the download for the 2015 school year, and the calendar for the year begins on 7/01/2014, this date is used as the Assignment Date for anyone with an Assignment Date earlier than 7/01/2014.

Completion Date

Date when the staff member's assignment ended for the building in the indicated role.

ENYP Assignment Code

If applicable, select the code identifying the staff member's level of data access for the Engage NY Portal relative to this building assignment.

PMF Assignment Code

Select the most specific code identifying the staff member's function you are reporting for this building in the Personnel Master File.

PMF Grade List

List the grades that apply for this staff assignment. Enter grades in a comma-separated list.

  • Use Assignment Grade Level Codes defined in the SIRS Manual.
  • If the staff assignment applies to all grade levels for the building, leave this field blank. The download gives the Staff Assignment record a value of ALL in the Assignment Grade Level field.
  • If you enter a list of grades, you will get a separate Staff Assignment record for each grade.
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