Scheduling Setup
State Course Setup
Menu path: Select Scheduling from the main menu, select Courses submenu, select District Courses, and then select State Courses.
To create the Teacher – Course submission files, you need to link your local courses to State Courses. The State Course Codes are maintained at the District level.
Calendar Setup for Day Calendar Submission
Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Calendars, and then select Calendar. Click the appropriate Calendar link, select the Month View button, and then click the appropriate Calendar Date link).
If you need to report a non-membership calendar date in the Day Calendar collection, access the Calendar Day Detail page (untitled) for that date, and assign the appropriate Day Type. The Day Calendar download reports the State Code Equiv for the Day Type from the Registration Day Types validation table. If there is no State Code Equiv, the Day Type is reported as Other.
For dates set up with the Membership Day box checked, Day Type is reported as Instructional Day.