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SA-129 Report

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > NY SA-129 Report

SA-129 Report Prerequisites

  1. You must run the Day Totals Calculation for the Interval/Date Range and the Attendance View that you are creating the report for.

SA-129 Report Processing



View Type

Select the Attendance View that your District uses for State Reporting.

Start Date & End Date

Select an Attendance Interval or enter a Date Range that you want to report on the SA-129 report.

Grades to Use

Select the type of Grades to be used:

  • Local Grades
  • State Equivalency Grades

Absence Codes

Select the Absence Codes to use on the report.

Kindergarten Session 1

Select the grade that you use for Kindergarten Session 1.

Kindergarten Session 2

Select the grade that you use for Kindergarten Session 2.

Kindergarten Full Session

Select the grade that you use for Kindergarten Full Session.

Non Grades

Students in the grade(s) selected here will be counted in the Non Graded column of the SA-129 report.

Log Statistics

Checked if you want to print a page with the prompts used for the report. If unchecked you will only get a log page only if an error occurs.

Where Does the Data Come From?

The first page is the district unadjusted totals. Every religious day's aggregate attendance is not included in the district adjusted aggregate attendance. Possible aggregate attendance and aggregate attendance are the totals based on the grade group. Actual session is number of days in the date/interval range. Net session is the actual session number of days without the religious day included. ADA is adjusted aggregate attendance divided by the net session. Unadjusted ADA is aggregate attendance divided by the actual session. ADM is possible aggregate attendance divided by the actual session. 

The second page is the district unadjusted religious day aggregate attendance for each date. 

Using the total ADA from the first page, religious days which need to adjusted are determined. If their total aggregate attendance is greater than ADA, those religious days will not be excluded in the total adjusted aggregate attendance. The third page is the district adjusted totals which reflect this difference. The fourth page is the list of the district adjusted religious days that are still excluded from the adjusted aggregate attendance.

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