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Registration Setup

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation TablesChoose New York State Reporting for Applications and select Registration for Validation Table.

eSchoolPlus Validation Table

State Description

Day Types

Day Type Codes


Language Codes and Descriptions

Graduation Plans

Postgraduate Plan Codes and Descriptions

Diploma Type

Credential Type Codes and Descriptions


Country of Origin Codes and Descriptions


Reason for Beginning Enrollment Codes


Reason for Ending Enrollment Codes


Type of Disability Program Codes


Ethnic Code Short/Race Code 2-5

Homeless Status

Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence

Program Withdrawal Reason

Program Fact Exit Reason Code

The following Registration Validation Tables must have the correct State Code Equivalent. The table lists the SIRS Appendix description for your reference.

Day Types

Codes in this table are referenced in the detail records for calendar dates (menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Calendars, and then select CalendarClick the appropriate Calendar link, select the Month View button, and then click the appropriate Calendar Date link). Specifically, you assign a Day Type for calendar dates you need to report in the Day Calendar collection with special designations, such as Emergency Day or Weather Day

Set up a record for each local Day Type designation you use, then associate your local codes with the appropriate State Code Equiv values supplied in Chapter 5 of the current SIRS manual.


Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Grades

Use this page to enter grade level codes and descriptions.

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