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NY State Reporting Information

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NY State Reporting Information



Exclude from State Reporting

Checked to exclude the student from all State Reporting submission files.

Status Override

If a student is Inactive in eSchoolPlus, but you need to report him/her as Active to the State, select A in this field. Alternatively, if the student is Active in eSchoolPlus but you need to report him/her as Inactive, select I.

Backmapping BEDS Code

Enter the student's Backmapping BEDS Code if necessary. Backmapping BEDS Code/Service Provider is used for feeder schools in the district that don't have any grades higher than 2nd.

Date Entered USA

Enter the date that the student entered the US, if applicable.

Your District may have a different page set up for Backmapping BEDS Code/Service Provider and Initial US Entry Date.

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