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The following sections provide prerequisite and procedural information for generating the Student Daily Attendance file and the Attendance Codes file which maps your local attendance codes to the state codes of U – Unexcused, E – Excused, and T – Tardy. 

Important: Make sure Student Lite and School Entry/Exit data is up to date in SIRS before you submit for any other template.

Attendance Prerequisites

  1. The Student Daily Attendance file draws from the Student Day Totals table (att_stu_day_totals). The New York Attendance Download option lets you select records from this table based on Attendance View Type. For your district, pick an Attendance View Type code (Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance View Setup) that you have defined with the same name for each building, or perhaps for all buildings within a Building Type. This way you can filter based on that one Attendance View Type that you use for state reporting purposes. This may be an Attendance View you already have set up.
  2. In the Attendance View setups you plan to use for state reporting, make note of the Convert to Codes defined in the Criteria Detail section. These are the codes that end up in Student Day Totals records once the Day Totals Calculation is run using a particular View Type.
  3. For the Attendance Codes you identified in Step 2, associate State Code Equiv values through the Attendance Codes List (Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance Codes > click the Code link for the record you need to update).
  4. Make sure to use the appropriate SIRS Attendance Code as the State Code Equiv (E for Excused, U for Unexcused, or T for Tardy). Make sure your State Groups Attendance validation table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Attendance > State Groups) has those 3 records. This setup is used by the Attendance Download to populate State Attendance Description in the Attendance Codes file. The download gets State Attendance Code from the Attendance Codes setup's State Code Equiv field. It then matches the State Code Equiv with the appropriate Code from the State Groups table to get the State Attendance Description. 
  5. To get records in the Student Day Totals table, you will need to run the Attendance Day Totals calculation for the appropriate buildings and Attendance View(s) (Attendance > All > Utilities > Day Totals Calculation).

Attendance Processing

Regulatory > Downloads > Downloads > NY Attendance Download


Value for Attendance Files

School Year

Select the year for which you want to create records, for example 2013 for 2012-2013.

Building Type

Select Building Types you want to include in the download, or leave the prompt blank to include all Building Types. The Building Type is assigned in the Building Configuration (Administration > System Setup > Building > Building).


  • To delete all existing records for a collection in the selected School Year and update the download table based on Filter criteria, check the collection's boxes for Populate Table and Clear All.
  • To insert records not previously downloaded based on Filter criteria, check the associated Populate Table box and un-check the Clear All box.

Attendance View Type

Select the View Type to process. Your choice limits Student Day Totals records to download based on those created with the selected View Type through the Attendance Day Totals Calculation.

  1. Run the New York Attendance Download using the prompts described below: 
  2. Review any errors or warnings through the Download Error Log files on your My Home page and correct data as needed.
  3. Re-run the Attendance Download using the same prompts as in Step 1 as many times as you need to make sure that all errors are resolved.
  4. Run the NY Attendance Extract (Regulatory > Extracts > Extracts > NY Attendance Extract) using the prompts described below.
  5. You will get files on your Home Page called NY Attendance Codes and NY Student Daily Attendance. Right-click on the file and save it to your PC. The file name will include the School Year and the Date/Time you ran the file before the txt extension. 


Value for Attendance Files

School Year

Select the year for which you want to create records.

Location Code Length (Zero Pad)

Select the length you need the extract to use when zero-padding the Location Code field in the Student Daily Attendance file. Your selection is based first on knowing the length of your local Building codes and comparing this to the Location Code length of 6 in the actual file layout.

For example, if you use three-digit codes for buildings and you want to left-pad Location Codes with three zeroes, you would select 6 in this field, letting the extract know wherever it finds a Location Code with fewer than six digits, it needs to add zeroes until it reaches that six-digit length.

If you leave this field blank or select a number that is less than the number of digits in your building numbers, the extract will populate the Location Code exactly as it appears in eSchoolPlus.

Column Headers

Checked to include a header row of field labels as the first line of the CSV output file that identifies each column.

Extract Options

Check each box for the file(s) that you want to create.

 Upload the file(s) to Level 0.

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