Assessment Accommodation Modification Fact File Layout
The following table shows field numbers, field names, the eSchoolPlus Tables and Columns and where the data is coming from in eSchoolPlus for the Assessment Accommodation Modification Fact file.
* = Required for all students
+ = Required only for specified students
Field # | FIELD NAME from eScholar template (DATA ELEMENT NAME)as used by NYSED, if different from eScholar name | Positions | NYS or Local Purpose | eSchoolPlus Table.Column | Where in eSchoolPlus? |
1 | *DISTRICT CODE (DISTRICT OF RESPONSIBILITY CODE) | 1 - 8 | NYS Reporting | reg_district.state_code_equiv "NY" + first 6 characters | Administration > General Setup > District > District: State Equivalency Code |
2 | *TEST DESCRIPTION (TEST GROUP) | 9 – 68 | NYS Reporting | nytb_tests.test_group where ltdb_subtest.state_code_equiv = nytb_tests.test_code | Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select New York State Reporting >Test Definitions table: Test Group |
3 | *ASSESSMENT SCHOOL YEAR DATE | 69 – 78 | NYS Reporting | School Year Prompt-06-30 | N/A |
4 | *SUBTEST IDENTIFIER (ASSESSMENT MEASURE STANDARD DESCRIPTION) | 79 – 278 | NYS Reporting | nytb_tests.description | Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select New York State Reporting >Test Definitions table: Description |
5 | *TEST DATE (ASSESSMENT DATE OF ADMINISTRATION) | 279 – 288 | NYS Reporting | ltdb_stu_subtest.test_date | Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student: Test Date |
6 | *STUDENT ID (SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ID) | 289 – 300 | NYS Reporting | ltdb_stu_subtest.student_id | Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student: Student ID |
7 | *SCHOOL YEAR DATE | 301 – 310 | NYS Reporting | School Year Prompt-06-30 |
8 | *ACCOMMODATION MODIFICATION CODE | 311 – 330 | NYS Reporting | ltdb_stu_subtest.Score Where ltdb_subtest_score.State_Code_Equiv In ('ACCOMM_1', 'ACCOMM_2', 'ACCOMM_3', 'ACCOMM_4', 'ACCOMM_5', 'ACCOMM_6') | Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student > click appropriate Description link > Test Scores: Score value for the appropriate Subtest and Score |
9 | *ACC MOD TYPE CODE | 331 – 350 | NYS Reporting |
10 | ACC OR MOD USED INDICATOR | 351 – 353 |
| Blank | N/A |
11 | ACC OR MOD IN IEP INDICATOR | 354 – 356 |
| Blank | N/A |
12 | STUDENT SNAPSHOT DATE | 357 – 366 |
| Blank | N/A |
13 | ACC MOD COMMENT | 367 - 566 |
| Blank | N/As |