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Uploading Special Education Data

  1. Format your file as specified (file format can be modified for districts, but this is the format the upload I am writing will be expecting):
  2. File Format required for NJ Smart Special Ed Upload
    • Name your file special_ed.csv
    • Comma delimited file
    • You must have either the Student Id or the Student State Id filled in
    • All dates should be in the format YYYYMMDD (if using a different date format, that is fine, the upload needs to be modified to tell it what format your dates are in)
    • File Format:
      • Field 1: Student Id
      • Field 2: Student State Id
      • Field 3: Referral Date
      • Field 4: Parental Consent Date
      • Field 5: Eligibility Determination Date
      • Field 6: Initial IEP Meeting Date
      • Field 7: Most Recent IEP Meeting Date
      • Field 8: IEP Begin Date
      • Field 9: IEP End Date
      • Field 10: Reevaluation Date
      • Field 11: Process Delay Begin Date
      • Field 12: Process Delay Reason
      • Field 13: Placement Begin Date
      • Field 14: Placement Code
      • Field 15: Placement End Date
      • Field 16: Related Services – Counseling Begin Date
      • Field 17: Related Services – Counseling
      • Field 18: Related Services – Counseling End Date
      • Field 19: Related Services – Occupational Therapy Begin Date
      • Field 20: Related Services – Occupational Therapy
      • Field 21: Related Services – Occupational Therapy End Date
      • Field 22: Related Services – Physical Therapy Begin Date
      • Field 23: Related Services – Physical Therapy
      • Field 24: Related Services – Physical Therapy End Date
      • Field 25: Related Services – Speech Language Therapy Begin Date
      • Field 26: Related Services – Speech Language Therapy
      • Field 26: Related Services – Speech Language Therapy End Date
      • Field 27: Related Services – Other Begin Date
      • Field 28: Related Services – Other
      • Field 29: Related Services – Other End Date
    • For all the related Services fields above, set the codes (Field 17, Field 20, Field 23, etc.) to Y if they receive those services, leave blank if they do not. So, only Y's should appear in those fields. If you report a Y, then the corresponding Begin date should be valued. The End date may be blank if they did not exit.
    • If you enter a Process Delay Reason – you must also include a begin date
    • If you include a Placement Code – you must also include a Begin Date
  3. Load your file to eSchoolPlus using the Upload File utility (Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Upload File.
    • Browse to the special_ed.csv file & select it.
    • Click Upload. The file will appear in Tasks/Reports.
  4. Run the Upload
    • Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Run Upload
    • Select the pre-defined Upload NJ-SE.

Note: If you upload the same file twice, you get duplicate records. Run the Clear NJ Smart Info option prior to uploading. The upload doesn't know to not include the same record again, this is fine for the Submission file .

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