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School RC – Unexcused Absences Summary


Default Value

School Year


Start Date

Required. Enter the start date for the group of students you want to include. If you are running for a snapshot date – then you would enter the same start & end date.

End Date


Resident Districts

Radio button with All or Selected – if choose Selected – multiselect list of districts in the validation for 'NJDIS'. (reg_program_column.validation_table for state_code_equiv 'NJDIS')


Radio button with All or Selected – if choose Selected - Multiselect list of buildings.

Group Reports By

Required. Dropdown with options:

  • Res District – Building – Classification
  • Building - Classification
  • Res District – Building - Program Type
  • Building – Program Type
  • Res District – Building – Grade
  • Building - Grade
  • Res District – Building – Program Type – Grade
  • Building – Program Type - Grade
  • Res District – Building – Classification – Grade
  • Building – Classification - Grade
  • Res District – Building (option available for the summary reports)
  • Building (option available for the summary reports)
  • Res District (option available for the summary reports)

Program Codes to Include in Reports


If it includes Classification above then dropdown of codes used by the 'NJCLASS' (programs state code equiv) validation table for the program.

Otherwise use dropdown of codes used by the 'NJPROG' (programs state code equiv) validation table for the program.

View Type

Required. Dropdown of att_view_hdr.view_type & description for the prompted buildings.

Unexcused Absence Codes

Required. Multiselect list of att_code Values for the prompted school year.

Report Details:Log file name: NJ Unexcused Absence Summary Report Log
Report file name: NJ Unexcused Absence Summary Report

Unexcused Absence Summary shows count of students that had 1-4 absences, 5-9 absences, or 10 or more. In the sample report, one student was in the 1-4 count.

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