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Registration Mass Update

Registration > Utilities > Mass Update > Registration Mass Update

This option is used to update existing NJ SMART Data.

  1. Click on Utilities – Mass Update – Registration Information.
  2. Then search on the students that you want mass update.
  3. You may search on Registration fields, NJ SMART fields, etc. You will then get a list of those students that you may mass update Registration information for.
  4. In the Update Values Section, you may do the following:
    • Choose the Registration/NJ SMART information you want to mass update.
    • Choose the "New Value" button to add new items to be updated for the selected group of students.
  5. In the Records to be Updated Section, you may do the following:
    • You may view the list of students selected with your search.
    • You may add new students to the list by either typing in their id or selecting the students from a student search window.
    • You may remove students already on the list
  6. Once you're finished filling in the information, you may click Run to run the Mass Update.


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