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NJ PARCC Pre-ID Accommodations

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ PARCC Pre-Id Accommodations



EL Accommodation

Indicates student needs English Language Learner accommodations for PARCC assessments.

Frequent Breaks

Indicates student may take breaks, per their own request, during the testing session.

Alternate Location

Indicates student is tested in a specially assigned location.

Small Testing Group

Indicates student is tested in a separate location grouped with students using matching accessibility features or accommodations.

Specialized Equipment

Indicates the student is provided specialized equipment or furniture to complete an adequate testing environment. This might mean lower lighting or an adaptive seat, for example.

Specified Area or Setting

Indicates student is tested in a specialized area or setting (front of the room; near the door; library observation room; etc.).

Time of Day

Indicates the student is tested at a specific time of day based on their individual needs.

Answer Masking

Indicates the student uses masks to cover portions of test questions until the covered information is needed. The types of masks allowed are specified as part of an Assessment Personal Needs Profile.

Color Contrast

Indicates student's preference for inverting foreground and background colors, if an Assessment Personal Needs Profile indicates the student requires color contrast.

  • If Test Format is P for Paper, Color Contrast must be 07 or left blank.
  • If Test Format is O for Online, Color Contrast cannot be 07.

ASL Video

Indicates the student receives American Sign Language content by a human signer through video.

If ASL Video is Y for Yes, then the PARCC Pre-ID download performs the following validation:

  • Test Format must be O for Online.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.
  • The following fields must be blank: Text to Speech; Human Reader or Signer; Screen Reader; Non Screen Reader; Closed Captioning ELA; Refreshable Braille Display ELA; Translation of Math

Screen Reader

Indicates a Screen Reader Application is used to deliver online test form content for a blind student.

If Screen Reader is Y for Yes, then the PARCC Pre-ID download performs the following validation:

  • Test Format must be O for Online.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.
  • The following fields must be blank: Text to Speech; Human Reader or Signer; ASL Video; Non Screen Reader; Closed Captioning ELA; Translation of Math

Non Screen Reader

Indicates the student uses an Assistive Technology (AT) Application to deliver an online test form. This applies to students without visual impairments.

If Screen Reader is Y for Yes, then the PARCC Pre-ID download performs the following validation:

  • Test Format must be O for Online.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.
  • The following fields must be blank: Text to Speech; Human Reader or Signer; ASL Video; Screen Reader; Closed Captioning ELA; Translation of Math

Closed Captioning ELA

Indicates student requires closed captioning and subtitling as means of displaying text on a television, video screen, or other visual display to provide added or interpretive information.

If Closed Captioning ELA is Y for Yes, then the PARCC Pre-ID download performs the following validation:

  • Test Format must be O for Online.
  • Test Code must be an ELA code.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.
  • The following fields must be blank: Text to Speech; Human Reader or Signer; ASL Video; Screen Reader; Non Screen Reader; Refreshable Braille Display ELA; Translation of Math

Refreshable Braille Display

Indicates the student uses an external device to convert text from the Screen Reader into Braille.

If this field is Y for Yes, then the PARCC Pre-ID download performs the following validation:

  • Test Format must be O for Online.
  • Test Code must be an ELA code.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.
  • Screen Reader must also be Y for Yes.

Alternate Representation Paper

Indicates the student requires paper and pencil test format as an approved accommodation.

If this field is Y for Yes, then the PARCC Pre-ID download performs the following validation:

  • Test Format must be P for Paper.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Large Print Paper

Indicates student needs a large-print test booklet, providing text increased 150 % to an 18-point font.

If this field is Y for Yes, then the PARCC Pre-ID download performs the following validation:

  • Test Format must be P for Paper.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Braille with Tactile Graphics

Indicates student needs a hard-copy braille text booklet provided with embedded tactile graphics.

If this field is not blank, the following validation occurs when you run the PARCC Pre-ID download:

  • Test Format must be P for Paper.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Read Assessment Aloud

Indicates the student reads the assessment aloud to themselves and may use an external device such as a whisper phone. The student must be tested in a separate setting.

If this field is Y for Yes, then Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Human Signer

Indicates a human signer signs test directions to the student. The student may need to be tested in a small group or separate setting.

If this field is Y for Yes, then Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Answers Recorded Paper

Indicates student answers directly in the test book. Responses must be transcribed verbatim by a test administrator in a student answer book or answer sheet. Responses that have not been transcribed will not be scored.

If this field is Y for Yes, then the PARCC Pre-ID download performs the following validation:

  • Test Format must be P for Paper.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Braille Response

Indicates a blind or visually impaired student uses a Braille Writer or Braille Notetaker to capture their responses.

If this field is not blank, then Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Mathematics Tools

Indicates the student may use a calculator as an accommodation, including for items in text sections designated as non-calculator sections.

If this field is Y for Yes, then the PARCC Pre-ID download performs the following validation:

  • Test Code must be a math code.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Constructed Response ELA

Indicates which constructed-response capture method the student uses: external Speech-to-Text device; external AT device; human scribe; or human signer. This applies for test items categorized as Constructed Response items.

If this field is not blank, the following validation occurs when you run the PARCC Pre-ID download:

  • Test Code must be an ELA code.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Selected Response ELA

Indicates the capture method the student uses for Selected Response or Technology Enhanced item types.

If this field is not blank, the following validation occurs:

  • Test Code must be an ELA code.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Response Math

Indicates method for capturing the student's responses for Math PARCC tests: external Speech-to-Text device; external AT device; human scribe; or human signer.

If this field is not blank, the following validation occurs when you run the PARCC Pre-ID download:

  • Test Code must be a Math code.
  • Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Monitor Test Response

Indicates the test administrator or assigned accommodator monitors correct placement of student's responses on the test book/answer sheet. The administrator or accommodator cannot aid the student with changing a response.

If this field is not blank, then Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Word Prediction

Indicates the student uses a word prediction external device providing a bank of frequently or recently-used words based on the student entering the word's first few letters.

If this field is Y for Yes, then Students with Disabilities must have a value of IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.

Clarified in Native Language

Indicates the test administrator clarifies general instructions only for English Learners.

If this field is Y for Yes, then EL Accommodation must be Y for Yes.

Directions Read in Native Lang

Indicates language in which test administrator reads aloud (and repeats as needed) test directions for the student.

If this field is Y for Yes, then EL Accommodation must be Y for Yes.

Response Math EL

Indicates how the student's responses are captured for Math PARCC tests.

If this field is not blank, the following validation occurs when you run the PARCC Pre-ID download:

  • Test Code must be a Math code.
  • EL Accommodation must be Y for Yes.

Translation of Math

Indicates the language for the online test form administered to the student if the language is not English.

If this field is not blank, the following validation occurs when you run the PARCC Pre-ID download:

  • Test Code must be a Math code.
  • EL Accommodation must be Y for Yes.
  • The following fields must be blank: ASL Video; Screen Reader; Non Screen Reader; Closed Captioning ELA; Refreshable Braille Display ELA.

Word to Word Dictionary

Indicates the student uses a published word-to-word hand-held dictionary.

If this field is Y for Yes, then EL Accommodation must be Y for Yes.

Text to Speech

Indicates text is read aloud to the student through embedded TestNav8 text-to-speech software.

If this field has a value of 02, the following validation occurs when you run the PARCC Pre-ID download:

  • Test Format must be O for Online.
  • The following fields must be blank: Human Reader or Signer; ASL Video; Screen Reader; Non Screen Reader; Closed Captioning ELA; Refreshable Braille Display ELA.
  • If the Test Code is an ELA code, Students with Disabilities must be IEP or 504. Translation of Math must be blank.

Human Reader or Signer

Indicates if the student requires a human reader or human signer.

If this field is not blank, the following validation occurs when you run the PARCC Pre-ID download:

  • The following fields must be blank: ASL Video; Text to Speech; Screen Reader; Non Screen Reader; Closed Captioning ELA; Refreshable Braille Display.
  • If the Test Code is an ELA code, Students with Disabilities must be IEP or 504. Translation of Math must be blank.

Unique Accommodation

Indicates the student has a disability- or English Learner-related accommodation that is not listed in the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual but is identified in the IEP, 504 plan, or English Learner plan (if approved by the state). This kind of accommodation must be submitted at least 6 weeks before testing to allow the state time to make a final decision.

If this field is not blank, the following validation occurs when you run the PARCC Pre-ID download:

  • Students with Disabilities must be IEP or 504. The student must be active in at least one of the following programs from the Personal page: Classification and/or 504 Plan.
  • EL Accommodation must be Y for Yes

Emergency Accommodation

Indicates the student needs an emergency accommodation due to a temporary disabling condition interfering with test performance shortly before or during the PARCC assessment window.

Extended Time

Indicates student is provided extra time due to a disability, English Learner needs, or both.

PARCC Retest

Indicates whether the student is retaking the English Language Arts (ELA) and/or Math assessment.

LEP Exempt from Taking LAL

Indicates whether the student is not required to participate in the language arts literacy test section because the student meets the following criteria:

  • Spanish or Non-Spanish speaking LEP student
  • First year of enrollment in United States schools
  • In a language assistance program

Time in School Less than 1 Year

Indicates whether the student has been enrolled less than a full academic year prior to the test administration date. A full academic year is considered to begin on July 1st prior to the test administration date.

If the student's first enrollment in a state assessment accountable (AYP) school comes between July 1st and the test administration date, the student is considered enrolled for less than a year (Y for Yes).

Exempt from Passing

Indicates whether the student is designated as exempt from passing PARCC exams as determined by the student's IEP team.

Testing Site County

Two-digit county code for the student's State Assessment Testing Site. Only use this field if the student's Testing Site information differs from Accountability Site information (Accountable County, District, and School).

Important: If you track Testing County, District, or Building on the NJ PARCC Pre-ID Accommodations page for a given student, you should track all three fields on this page. We recommend this to ensure you get the expected download results in the student's PARCC Pre-ID record.

Testing Site District

Four-digit district code for the student's State Assessment Testing Site. Only use this field if the student's Testing Site information differs from Accountability Site information (Accountable County, District, and School).

Important: If you track Testing County, District, or Building on the NJ PARCC Pre-ID Accommodations page for a given student, you should track all three fields on this page. We recommend this to ensure you get the expected download results in the student's PARCC Pre-ID record.

Testing Site School

School code for the student's State Assessment Testing Site. Only use this field if the student's Testing Site information differs from Accountability Site information (Accountable County, District, and School).

Important: If you track Testing County, District, or Building on the NJ PARCC Pre-ID Accommodations page for a given student, you should track all three fields on this page. We recommend this to ensure you get the expected download results in the student's PARCC Pre-ID record.

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