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NJ Out of District Attendance

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Out of District Attendance

Students who leave or enter your district mid-year still need to have attendance information reported in the NJ SMART state submission file. You may have other students within your district who actually attend school elsewhere but still need to be included in your NJ SMART state file. Attendance totals for these students must be entered manually on this district-defined page. Do this instead of having the NJ SMART Submission File option calculate the out-of-district student's attendance values.

You will need to enter the attendance totals here if the student has been out-of-district at any point in the school year when you are running the NJ SMART state submission.

If the NJ Smart Submission File option finds values in these fields, these manual entries are used rather than the standard calculations from Day Totals.



Cumulative Days in Membership

Sum of days in the current school year from the first non-summer school membership date through the Reporting End Date for running the NJ SMART state submission.

  • This only applies if the student has been out-of-district at any point in the school year.
  • If the student has been out-of-district at any point, you need to track NJ SMART attendance totals here.

Cumulative Days Present

Number of membership days where the student was present for the current school year, from the first non-summer school membership date in the calendar through the Reporting End Date you use for running the NJ SMART state submission

  • This only applies if the student has been out-of-district at any point in the school year.
  • If the student has been out-of-district at any point, you need to track NJ SMART attendance totals here.

Cumulative Days Toward Truancy

Total absences designated administratively as counting toward truancy for the current school year.

  • This only applies if the student has been out-of-district at any point in the school year.
  • If the student has been out-of-district at any point, you need to track NJ SMART attendance totals here.
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