Monthly Attendance Record Details
Label | Default Value |
School Year | Required. |
Start Date | Required. Enter the start date for the group of students you want to include. If you are running for a snapshot date – then you would enter the same start & end date. |
End Date | Required. |
Resident Districts | Radio button with All or Selected – if choose Selected – multiselect list of districts in the validation for 'NJDIS'. (reg_program_column.validation_table for state_code_equiv 'NJDIS') |
Building | Radio button with All or Selected – if choose Selected - Multiselect list of buildings. |
Low Income Codes | Required. Multiselect list of regtb_meal_status codes indicating that the student is low income. |
Group Reports By | Required. Dropdown with options:
School Year | Required. |
Start Date | Required. Enter the start date for the group of students you want to include. If you are running for a snapshot date – then you would enter the same start & end date. |
End Date | Required. |
Resident Districts | Radio button with All or Selected – if choose Selected – multiselect list of districts in the validation for 'NJDIS'. (reg_program_column.validation_table for state_code_equiv 'NJDIS') |
Building | Radio button with All or Selected – if choose Selected - Multiselect list of buildings. |
Low Income Codes | Required. Multiselect list of regtb_meal_status codes indicating that the student is low income. |
Group Reports By | Required. Dropdown with options:
Report Details:Log file name: NJ Monthly Attendance Details Report Log
Report file name: NJ Monthly Attendance Detail Report
You receive one page per each month including all the students that make up the Monthly Attendance Summary. The student's absence codes display for the day that they are absent. The footnote at the bottom indicates:
- school is closed that day
- the student is not enrolled on that day