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February 2025 Minor Maintenance Release

This change has been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_25.1.1.0
ReferencePageRelease Note
ESP-101220NJ Smart SID Report

Added the FAFSACompletionIndicator field to the NJ Smart SID Report and implemented the following business rules:

  1. The FAFSACompletionIndicator must be C or E if the student's SchoolExitWithdrawalCode is L and the SchoolExitDate is after September 1, 2024, regardless of the student's grade level.
  2. The FAFSACompletionIndicator cannot be blank for students with SchoolExitWithdrawalCode as L unless NonPublic is REC or NREC, or ReportedSharedVoc is Y.
  3. If the FAFSACompletionIndicator selected is N, the ELAGraduationPathwayIndicator must be O, P, or R.
  4. If the FAFSACompletionIndicator selected is N, the MathGraduationPathwayIndicator must be O, P, or R.
  5. If the FAFSACompletionIndicator selected is N, the SchoolExitWithdrawalCode cannot be L.
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