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Enrollment Record Details


Default Value

School Year


Start Date

Required. Enter the start date for the group of students you want to include. If you are running for a snapshot date – then you would enter the same start & end date.

End Date


Resident Districts

Radio button with All or Selected – if choose Selected – multiselect list of districts in the validation for 'NJDIS'. (reg_program_column.validation_table for state_code_equiv 'NJDIS')


Radio button with All or Selected – if choose Selected - Multiselect list of buildings.

Low Income Codes

Required. Multiselect list of regtb_meal_status codes indicating that the student is low income.

Group Reports By

Required. Dropdown with options:

  • Res District – Building – Classification
  • Building - Classification
  • Res District – Building - Program Type
  • Building – Program Type
  • Res District – Building – Grade
  • Building - Grade
  • Res District – Building – Program Type – Grade
  • Building – Program Type - Grade
  • Res District – Building – Classification – Grade
  • Building – Classification - Grade

Program Codes to Include in Reports


If it includes Classification above then dropdown of codes used by the 'NJCLASS' (programs state code equiv) validation table for the program.

Otherwise use dropdown of codes used by the 'NJPROG' (programs state code equiv) validation table for the program.

Shared Time Students

Required. Multiselect with options:

  • No shared time students
  • Use Curriculum codes
  • Use Calendar codes
  • Use Building codes
  • Use Classification codes

Shared Time Codes

If Use Curriculum, Use Calendar, Use Classification or Use Building is selected – multiselect on Curriculum (regtb_curr_code) or multiselect on calendar (reg_calendars) or multiselect on buildings (reg_building) or multiselect on classifications (regtb_classify)

If you select more than one option for Shared Time Students (example, Building & Curriculum). Then include dropdowns for both. For example, shared time students may be in building 1 with curriculumn codes 21, 22, 23.

Note: If multi select on No shared time and a combination of others – then ignore the no shared time students selection.

Tuition Code

Required. Radio button with options:

  • No Tuition Code
  • Use Residency codes
  • Use Curriculum Codes
  • Use District Defined Screen

Tuition Code District Defined Screen

Prompt for Screen # and Field #. Only used if District Defined screen is selected in above option

Tuition Codes

If Use Curriculum, or Use Residency is selected – multiselect on Curriculum (regtb_curr_code) or multiselect on residency (regtb_residency)

If they choose District Defined Screen, then dropdown for the sms_user_fields.validation_table for the screen & field above.

This report can contain a list of all students active at any point during the date range you are running for. It groups the report based on the option you chose in the "Group Reports By" field. In the sample above, Res District –Building-ProgramType option is chosen.

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