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December 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.12.0.0
ReferencePageRelease Note
ESP-99864NJ Smart SID Submission

Added three Business Rules for Eligible for LEP and LEP Service Refused by Parent fields.

  1. The SID report will retrieve LEP=Y and start date, when the student is taking up the service.
  2. The SID report will retrieve LEP=N and start date and end date, when the student is done taking the LEP Service.
  3. The SID report will retrieve LEP=Y because of the offered LEP service, but refused by the parent, and the LEPRefusedbyParent field in the SID report will retrieve the start date of the LEP Service Refused by Parent field.
ESP-99863NJ Tracking Program

Retired the LEP Refused field from the NJ Tracking Program page.

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