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Student Graduate Follow-Up File Layout

Field #Field NameData TypeField LengtheSchoolPLUS table.columnValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPLUS?
5Collection VersionText50calculated  
10Current School YearInteger4   
25Reporting District CodeText6reg_district.district converted to state code Administration > General Setup > District > District > Preferences panel > Other panel:  State Code Equivalent
30Reporting School CodeText4reg_entry_with.building converted to state codereg_buildings Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal > Regular School Year panel:  Building
35CTE Attending District CodeText6registration user defined screen CTE Mosis - screen number 552, field number - 9motb_dese_districtRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  CTE Attending School field—first 6 characters
40CTE Attending School CodeText4registration user defined screen CTE Mosis - screen number 552, field number - 4reg_buildings or regtb_state_bldg for the programRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  CTE Attending School field—last 4 characters
45MOSIS Student IDText10reg_personal.state_report_id Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal > General panel:  State Reporting ID
50Local Student IDText20reg_entry_with.student_id Student ID
55Legal Last NameText60reg.last_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Last Name
60Legal First NameText60reg.first_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  First Name
65Legal Middle NameText60reg.middle_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Middle Name
70Legal Name SuffixText10reg.generation Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Generation
75Date of BirthText10reg.birthdate Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Birth Date
80Social Security NumberText11reg_persona.ssn Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal > General panel:  Social Security Number
85GenderText1reg.genderM or FRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Gender
90Race/EthnicityText1if reg_personal.hispanic = "Y" then report "H" else
reg_personal.ethnic_code converted to state code
regtb_ethnicityRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal > Federal panel:  Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity or Race field

If a student is marked Y in the Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity field, an H will be sent in this field.  If a student is not Hispanic and has one Race, then the state equiv code of the Primary Race will be sent.  If a student is not Hispanic and has multiple races, an M is sent. 
95Perkins ConcentratorBoolean1registration user defined screen CTE Mosis - screen number 552, field number - 7 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  Perkins Concentrator
100IEP/DisabledBoolean1reg_programs.program_value where program_id and field_number maps to reg_program_column.state_code_equiv='IEPDISAB' Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS Special Ed:  IEP Disability (program where the state code equiv = ‘IEPDISAB’)
105DisadvantagedBoolean1reg_programs.program_value where program_id and field_number maps to reg_program_column.state_code_equiv='DISADVANT'
Converted to state code using regtb_academic_dis
 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal > Educational Factors panel:  Academically Disadvantaged (program where the state code equiv = ‘DISADVANT’)
110Nontraditional StudentBoolean1registration user defined screen CTE Mosis - screen number 552, field number - 8 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  Nontraditional
115Single ParentBoolean1registration user defined screen CTE Mosis - screen number 552, field number - 9 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  Single Parent
120Displaced HomemakerBoolean1registration user defined screen CTE Mosis - screen number 552, field number - 10 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  Displaced Homemaker
125Other BarriersBoolean1registration user defined screen CTE Mosis - screen number 552, field number - 11 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  Other Barriers
130LEP / ELLText3reg_programs.program_value where program_id and field_number maps to reg_program_column.state_code_equiv='LEP/ELL'
If student has CTE Flag value as Y and if this field is blank then default this field to NLP.
Else convert program_value to state code using motb_lep_code table.
motb_lep_codeRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS LEP/ELL:  LEP/ELL

If a student does not have a value in the LEP/ELL field or the LEPELL program and is in a CTE Program, then the value will be defaulted to NLP.
135Follow-Up StatusText3registration user defined screen CTE Mosis - screen number 552, field number - 14. Convert it to state code equiv using motb_followup.motb_followupRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  Graduate Follow-up Status
140CTE Placement RelationText2registration user defined screen CTE Mosis - screen number 552, field number - 12. converted to state code using motb_cte_placementmotb_placementRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  CTE Placement Relation
145CIP CodeText6Get the value from motb_state_course.cip_code, IF null then use Course user defined screen  Mosis Course - screen number 550, field number - 12. Get the most recent value Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  Primary CIP Code
150CTE Program CodeText4Course user defined screen  Mosis Course - screen number 550, field number - 1. Get the most recent value.  Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  Primary CTE Program 
155Placement Zip CodeInteger5registration user defined screen CTE Mosis - screen number 552, field number - 13 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  Placement Zip Code
160Educator SSNText9reg_staff.ssn

Not included in file
 Not included in file
162SPED Follow-up Definition MetText1registration user defined screen MOSIS Demographics - screen number 551, field number - 16. Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS Demographics:  SPED FollowUp Definition Met 
165NSC CommentText256  Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS CTE/Graduate Followup:  NSC Discrepancy
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