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Student Course Completion

Field #Field NameData TypeField LengtheSchoolPLUS table.columnValidation Table
5Collection VersionText50Collection version should contain this value '2010Jun1.0StuCRSComp' for the 2010 June Student Course Completion Collection. 
10Current School YearInteger4The ending year of the current school year. For example, use '2007' for the 2006-2007 school year. 
25Reporting District CodeText6reg_district.district converted to state code 
30Reporting School CodeText4reg_entry_with.building converted to state code 
32Receiving Coll/Dist CodeText6schd_stu_user, screen 550, field 1 motb_dese_district.state_code_equiv
34Sending District CodeText6schd_stu_user, screen 550, field 2, left 6 digits 
36Sending School CodeText4schd_stu_user, screen 550, field 2, right 4 digits 
45MOSIS IDText10reg_personal.state_report_id 
55Student Local Student IDText20reg.student_id 
60Student Legal Last NameText60reg.last_name 
65Student Legal First NameText60reg.first_name 
70Student Legal Middle NameText60reg.middle_name 
75Student Legal Name SuffixText10reg.generation 
80Student Date of BirthText10reg.birthdate 
95Student Grade LevelText2reg_entry_with.grade converted to state code equiv using reg_grade table. 
111ED SSNText9reg_staff.ssn 
113Educator Last NameText60reg_staff.last_name 
115Educator First NameText60reg_staff.first_name 
117Position CodeText2get reg_user_staff.field_value for reg_user_staff.field_number = 1 and screen_number 550 (Mosis Staff Screen). converted to state_code_equiv using motb_position 
119CTE Program TypeText4schd_ms_user.field_value for field_number  1 and screen_number 550 
120Assignment NumberInteger20schd_ms.section_key 
121Local Section NumberText6schd_ms.course_section 
123Local Course NumberText12schd_ms.course 
125Local Course NameText60schd_ms.description 
130State Course NumberText6schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 2 get the field_value. Converted to state code using  motb_state_course 
190Course Time UnitText2  
191Dual Credit SiteText4schd_stu_user, screen 550, field 3 
192Course Semester  Using the state code equiv from reg_mp_weeks where marking period equals the marking period associated with the mark 
193Student Final Credits EarnedNumber4mr_stu_hdr.earned_credits 
195Student Credits ScheduledNumber4mr_stu_hdr.att_credits 
201Student Grade EarnedText2mr_stu_marks.mark 
205Advanced PlacementText1schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 15 get the field_value. 
207HonorsText1schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 16 get the field_value. 
233Course Completion CommentText70schd_stu_user, screen 550, field 4 
235Course Sequence NumberText1  
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