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Student Assignment Layout

Field #Field NameData TypeField LengtheSchoolPLUS table.columnValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPLUS?
5Collection VersionText50calculated Value is '2010Oct1.0StuAssign' for the 2010 Student/Assignment October Cycle File Layout.
10Current School YearInteger4The ending year of the current school year. For example, use '2007' for the 2006-2007 school year.  
25Reporting District CodeText6reg_district.district converted to state code equiv Administration > General Setup > District > District > Preferences panel > Other panel:  State Code Equivalent
30Reporting School CodeText4schd_ms.building converted to state codereg_buildingScheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry:  Building
45MOSIS IDText10reg_personal.state_report_id Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal > General panel:  State Reporting ID
55Student Local Student IDText20reg.student_id Student ID
60Student Legal Last NameText60reg.last_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Last Name
65Student Legal First NameText60reg.first_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  First Name
70Student Legal Middle NameText60reg.middle_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Middle Name
75Student Legal Name SuffixText10reg.generation Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Generation
80Student Date of BirthText10reg.birthdate Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Birth Date
95Student Grade LevelText2reg_entry_with.grade converted to state code equivreg_gradeRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal > Regular School Year panel:  Grade
100Student GenderText1reg.genderM or FRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Gender
105Race/EthnicityText1Pre-defined Race / Ethnic code.regtb_ethnicityRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal > Federal panel:  Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity or Race field

If a student is marked Y in the Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity field, an H will be sent in this field.  If a student is not Hispanic and has one Race, then the state equiv code of the Primary Race will be sent.  If a student is not Hispanic and has multiple races, an M is sent.  
110Assignment NumberInteger20schd_ms.section_key Section Key for the course-section

Cannot be seen through eSchoolPLUS, this is a unique key for course-sections.
120Dual Credit SiteText4schd_stu_user.field_value  where screen_number='550' and field_number='3'motb_dual_siteScheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry > click course to display detail > expand Other Student Course Information > click link for MOSIS Course Information: Dual Credit Site 
125Receiving Coll/Dist CodeText6schd_stu_user.field_value  where screen_number='550' and field_number='1' motb_dese_collegeScheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry > click course to display detail > expand Other Student Course Information > click link for MOSIS Course Information: Receiving College/District
130Sending District CodeText6schd_stu_user.field_value  where screen_number='550' and field_number='2', left 6 digitsregtb_state_bldgScheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry > click course to display detail > expand Other Student Course Information > click link for MOSIS Course Information: Sending District School Code first 6 characters
140Sending School CodeText4schd_stu_user.field_value  where screen_number='550' and field_number='2', right 4 digitsregtb_state_bldgScheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry > click course to display detail > expand Other Student Course Information > click link for MOSIS Course Information:  Sending District School Code last 4 characters
150ED SSNText9reg_staff.ssn Get the course staff member from Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Session Information panel > Staff and Room Information panel:  Primary Staff or Secondary Staff link

Get the reported staff member's Social Security Number from Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > Staff Information panel:  Social Security Number
160Position CodeText2reg_user_staff.field_value where screen_number='550' and field_number = '1' and screen_number 550.
Converted to state_code_equiv using motb_position
motb_positionScheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > District-Defined panel > MOSIS Staff:  Position Code

Only non teachers need a value.  Defaults to Teacher Code if blank.
170CTE Program TypeText1schd_ms_user.field_value where screen_number=’550’ and field_number=’1’motb_cte_programScheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MOSIS Course Information:  CTE Program Type
180DisadvantagedBoolean1reg_programs_column.state_code_equiv = 'DISADVANT' , If you donot get value then use  reg_personal.ACADEMIC_DIS      . Converted to statecode using regtb_academic_dis Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal > Educational Factors panel:  Academically Disadvantaged (program where the state code equiv = ‘DISADVANT’)
270IEP Disability (Primary)Text2reg_programs.program_value where program_id and field_number maps to reg_program_column.state_code_equiv='IEPDISAB' motb_disabilityRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS Special Ed:  IEP Disability (program where the state code equiv = ‘IEPDISAB’)
280AdultBoolean1N is reported  
282Local Course NumberText12schd_ms.course Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Course panel:  Course
284Local Course NameText60schd_ms.description Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Course-Section panel > General Information panel:  Description
286Local Section NumberText6schd_ms.course_section Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Course panel:  Section
288State Course NumberText6schd_course_user or schd_ms_user.field_value where screen_number=’550’ and field_number=’2’
Converted to state code using  motb_state_course
motb_state_courseScheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MOSIS Course Information:  State Course Number
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