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Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS Tests

If you do not have this physical fitness test data in the Test Scores, you can maintain it in this page.



Submission File(s)

8th Grade Technical Literacy

Select the correct code for the student's technical literacy in 8th grade.

Student Core

5th Grade Aerobic Capacity

Select the correct indicator for the student's aerobic capacity in 5th grade.

Student Core

5th Grade Abdominal Strength

Select the correct indicator for the student's abdominal strength in 5th grade.

Student Core

5th Grade Upper Body Strength

Select the correct indicator for the student's upper body strength in 5th grade.

Student Core

5th Grade Flexibility

Select the correct indicator for the student's flexibility in 5th grade.

Student Core

9th Grade Aerobic Capacity

Select the correct indicator for the student's aerobic capacity in 9th grade.

Student Core

9th Grade Abdominal Strength

Select the correct indicator for the student's abdominal strength in 9th grade.

Student Core

9th Grade Upper Body Strength

Select the correct indicator for the student's upper body strength in 9th grade.

Student Core

9th Grade Flexibility

Select the correct indicator for the student's flexibility in 9th grade.

Student Core

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