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MOSIS Demographics

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select MOSIS Demographics.

To update a student's information in a program tracked field, click on the hyperlink to enter a start date and a value.  For additional information about maintaining Program data, see the eSchoolPlus Online Help.



Submission File(s)


Indicates if the student is gifted.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

A+ Student

Indicates if the student is in the A+ program or has completed it.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core


Indicates if the student is an immigrant.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

Title III Immigrant

Indicates if the student is receiving funding for the Title III Immigrant program.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

Missouri Option Program

Indicates if the student is participating in the Missouri Option program.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

Title I

Indicates if the student is participating in a Title I program.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

Title III

Indicates if the student is participating in a Title III program.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

Supplemental Ed Services

Indicates the student's Supplemental Education Services status.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

Truancy Override

In a future release this field be used to determine if you want to mark the student not truant for State Reporting even if locally the student is considered truant.

Student Core

Voluntary Transfer Student

Indicates if the student is a voluntary transfer.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

School Choice

Indicates the student's School Choice status.

(program-tracked field)

Student Enrollment & Attendance

Exit Destination

Indicates if the student exits the district, select the destination building if known.

(program-tracked field)

Student Enrollment & Attendance

Exit Destination Comment

Indicates the free-form comment about the student's exit destination.

(program-tracked field)

Student Enrollment & Attendance

K-8 Graduate District Code

Select the building that the student completed Eighth grade in.

Student Core

SPED FollowUp Definition Met

Select if the student met the Special Education Follow-up definition.  This field can also be updated from the MOSIS CTE/Graduate FollowUp page.

Student Graduate

Reporting District/School

Indicates a value to override the Reporting District and Reporting School.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core, Student Enrollment & Attendance, Discipline

Attending District

Indicates if the student is attending a district other than yours, select the district here.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core, Student Enrollment & Attendance

Attending Building

Indicates if the student is enrolled in a building different than the one he/she should attend, enter the building here.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core, Student Enrollment & Attendance

Resident District/School

Indicates if the student lives in a district other than yours but attends school in your district, select the correct value.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core, Student Enrollment & Attendance


Indicates if the student should have an FTE value other than 1.00 reported to the State, click the hyperlink to enter the value. 
Note that if a student's FTE value is 1.00, you do not need to update this field.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core


Select if the student is participating in the district's Missouri Preschool Program.

Student Core

Pre-ID Teacher Staff ID

Select the staff ID to use for the teacher to include on the MO MOSIS Assessment Pre-Code File.


Foster Care

Indicates if the student is in foster care.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

Pre K State Aid Eligible

Select if the district has selected this pre-kindergarten student to have attendance hours claimed for state aid.

Student Core

Kindergarten Readiness

Select if the student meets criteria for kindergarten readiness.

Student Core

Dyslexia Screening

Indicates the status of the student's screening for reading/dyslexia risk factors.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core


Indicates if the student is residing in a neglected or delinquent institution and is participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

Internet Access

Indicates if the student has internet access available for educational purposes at home.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core
Device Access

Indicates if the student has access to a device for educational purposes to use at home.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core

Indicates if the MOSIS ID for the PK, PKA, PKP student already claimed for state aid that this PK, PKA, PKP student is replacing.

(program-tracked field)

Student Core
Select the department-approved series of aligned, recognized, preferred, and/or required credentials (stackable) within an industry or sector that support an individual’s ability to obtain related, career employment. Two stackable credentials will equate to one IRC.Student Core
Select the department-approved series of aligned, recognized, preferred, and/or required credentials (stackable) within an industry or sector that support an individual’s ability to obtain related, career employment. Two stackable credentials will equate to one IRC.Student Core
ICAPSelect if the student has an ICAP plan to guide through the coursework and activities for achieving personal career goals, postsecondary planning, and providing individual pathway options. The ICAP is a multi-year process beginning no later than eighth grade that intentionally guides students and families in the exploration of career, academic and multiple postsecondary opportunities.Student Core
ICAP ReviewSelect if the student’s personal plan of study, is reviewed regularly by school personnel and the student's parent/guardian. The review includes the sequence of courses and experiences that prepare a student to reach his or her postsecondary goals.Student Core
Select for the Missouri Seal of Biliteracy (SoBL) and Distinguished Missouri Seal of Biliteracy that is awarded to graduating high school students in districts or charters with an approved DESE program who have demonstrated achievement in English, a Language Other Than English (LOTE) and sociocultural Competence.Student Core
Select if the student shows a high level of achievement in English and an intermediate level of proficiency in another language as outlined in the Missouri Seal of Biliteracy: Implementation Guide.Student Core
Select if the student shows a high level of achievement in English and an intermediate level of proficiency in another language as outlined in the Missouri Seal of Biliteracy: Implementation Guide.Student Core
Select if the student shows a high level of achievement in English and an intermediate level of proficiency in another language as outlined in the Missouri Seal of Biliteracy: Implementation Guide.Student Core
Select if the student earned degree after completing two years of study at a junior college, college, or university. Courses must be offered by approved institutions for dual credit/dual enrollment.Student Core
Select the institution awarding the associate degree.Student Core
KG Physical Well-being and MotorSelect if the student has age-appropriate growth, health, physical abilities, such as gross and fine motor skills, that indicates the child is ready for kindergarten.Student Core
KG Social and EmotionalSelect if the student has age-appropriate behavioral health and learning abilities, including the abilities to interact with others and self-regulate (social), as well as perceptions of self, abilities to understand the feelings of others and express their own feelings (emotional), that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.Student Core
KG Cognition and General KnowledgeSelect if the student has age-appropriate thinking and problem-solving skills as well as knowledge about particular objects and the way the world works (including mathematical knowledge, abstract though and imagination) that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.Student Core
KG Approaches Toward LearningSelect if the student has age-appropriate use of skills and knowledge (including enthusiasm, curiosity, creativity, confidence, persistence, and initiative) that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.Student Core
KG Language and LiteracySelect if the student has age-appropriate literacy and communication skills such as listening, speaking, and writing (emergent literacy includes print awareness, story sense, early writing, and the connection of letters to sounds) that indicate the child is ready for kindergarten.Student Core
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