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March 2022 Major Maintenance Release

This change has been released in the following software versions:

  • ESP_20.4.45.0
  • ESP_21.4.22.0



Release Note

ESP-70668Student Core (Stackable Credential Codes and Industry Recognized Credential Codes)

Removed the S-CCMA option from Stackable Credential Codes in the Student Core submission.

Added the following options to Stackable Credential Codes in the Student Core submission: S-PH-NHA, S-AWSCP, S-COSA, S-CITSDCM, S-CESB, S-CITSJ, S-CITSNS, S-CITSN, S-CITSSD, S-NRFFRIF, S-NRFFCS, S-NRFFBR, S-SSYB, S-TOCDP, S-TOEHP, S-TOITFP, S-ASERRR, S-BVE, S-EIFC, S-EPA608, S-EPA609, S-FANUCCR, S-MOVIC, S-NC3DA, S-NCCER-CCM, S-PSET, S-PSTELE, and S-SP2SP.

Removed the following options from Industry Recognized Credential Codes in the Student Core submission: AD-PESUSA, AMCA-PHLEB, and NATEF.

Updated the CCMA-NHA option in Industry Recognized Credential Codes in Student Core submission.

Added the following options to Industry Recognized Credential Codes in Student Core submission: CCMA-AMCA, ADOBE-ACP, FAA-RPL, MAAC, NCCER-ELE, and SWA.

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