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Course Assignment File Layout

Field #Field NameData TypeField LengtheSchoolPLUS table.columnValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPLUS?
5Collection VersionText50calculated  
10Current School YearInteger4The ending year of the current school year. For example, use '2007' for the 2006-2007 school year.  
25Reporting District CodeText6reg_district.district converted to state code equiv Administration > General Setup > District > District > Preferences panel > Other panel:  State Code Equivalent
30Reporting School CodeText4schd_ms.building converted to state codereg_buildings Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Course panel:  Building
50ED SSNText9reg_staff.ssn Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > Staff Information panel:  Social Security Number
60Educator Last NameText60reg_staff.last_name Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > Staff Information panel:  Last  Name
65Educator First NameText60reg_staff.first_name Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > Staff Information panel: First Name
70Position CodeText2get reg_user_staff.field_value for reg_user_staff.field_number = 1 and screen_number 550. converted to state_code_equiv using motb_positionmotb_positionScheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > District-Defined panel > MOSIS Staff:  Position Code

Only non teachers need a value.  Defaults to Teacher Code if blank.
80CTE Program TypeText4get schd_ms_user.field_value for field_number  1 and screen_number 550motb_cte_programScheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MOSIS Course Information:  CTE Program Type
90Assignment NumberInteger20schd_ms.section_key Section Key for the course-section

Section Key cannot be seen through eSchoolPLUS-- this is a unique key for course-sections. 
100Local Course NumberText12schd_ms.course Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Course panel:  Course
110Local Course NameText60schd_ms.description Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Course-Section panel > General Information panel:  Description
120Local Section NumberText6schd_ms.course_section Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Course panel:  Section
130State Course NumberText6schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 2 get the field_value. Converted to state code using  motb_state_coursemotb_state_courseScheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MOSIS Course Information:  State Course Number
140Assignment Start DateText10calculated value Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry > Schedule List panel:  Add Date


Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > Building Information panel > click Building link > District-Defined panel > Course Assignments:  Start Date
150Assignment End DateText10calculated value Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry > Schedule List panel:  Drop Date


Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > Building Information panel > click Building link > District-Defined panel > Course Assignments:  End Date
170Course Sequence NumberText1schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 3 get the field_valuemotb_course_seqScheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MOSIS Course Information:  Course Sequence Number
180Course Grade LevelText2schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 4 get the field_valuemotb_course_gradeScheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MOSIS Course Information:  Course Grade Level
190Course SemesterText1schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 5 get the field_valuemotb_semesterScheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MOSIS Course Information:  Course Semester
200Course Delivery SystemText2schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 7 get the field_valuemotb_deliveryScheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MOSIS Course Information:  Course Delivery System
210Course Program CodeText2schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 6 get the field_valuemotb_program_codeScheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MOSIS Course Information:  Course Program Code
220Course MinutesInteger4calculated value The download first looks at Scheduling Center > Master Schedule > MOSIS Course Information: Instructional Minutes field.  If no value found, then it is calculated in the following manner:  for scheduled courses, we are using the minutes from the Attendance Periods setup.  For Planning and Travel time, we have created Staff Building User defined screen - Staff Assignment, for each staff in a building we will be capturing Planning Time/Travel, Start Date, End Date and Number of Minutes.  
230Course CreditsNumber4calculated value Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Session Information panel > Mark Reporting and Attendance Information panel:  Credit

Sum of all credits for all sessions of a course section.
235CaseloadInteger4schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 13 get the field_value  
240Course Total HoursNumber4schd_course/schd_ms_user.screen_number = 550, field_number = 14 get the field_value Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MOSIS Course Information:  Course Hours
242Assignment CommentText70get reg_user_staff.field_value for reg_user_staff.field_number = 2 and screen_number 550 Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > District-Defined panel > MOSIS Staff:  Assignment Comment
245Combined CourseInteger2   
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