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ASVAB File Layout

Field #Field NameData TypeField LengtheSchoolPLUS table.columnValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPLUS?
005Collection VersionText50Collection version should contain this value '2018ALL1.0ASVAB' for the 2018 June Cycle.
The MOSIS Download uses the School Year prompt to create this value.
 Regulatory > MOSIS > MOSIS > MO MOSIS Download:  School Year
010Current School YearInteger44-digit year as entered through the MOSIS Download page, School Year prompt. Regulatory > MOSIS > MOSIS > MO MOSIS Download:  School Year
025Reporting District CodeText61.  First, see if the student has a reg_programs.program_value for program_id and field_number mapping to reg_program_column.state_code_equiv = MORPTBLG.  If yes, use the first six digits of this value.

If not, use reg_entry_with.district.

2.  Convert to reg_district.state_code_equiv
 Administration > General Setup > District > District > click District link where Validation Only = N > Preferences panel > Other section:  State Equivalency Code

Administration > General Setup > District > District > click District link where Validation Only = Y > Validation District oanel:  State Equivalency Code

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS Demographics:  Reporting District/School
030Reporting School CodeText41.  First, see if the student has a reg_programs.program_value for program_id and field_number mapping to reg_program_column.state_code_equiv = MORPTBLG.  If yes, use the last four digits of this value.

If not, use reg_entry_with.building.

2.  Convert to reg_building.state_code_equiv
 Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition > Preferences panel:  State Equivalency Code

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MOSIS Demographics:  Reporting District/School

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal:  Building
050MOSIS Student IDText10reg_personal.state_report_id Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal > General panel:  MOSIS State ID
055Local Student IDText20reg.student_id Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > ID field
060Legal Last NameText60reg.last_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Last Name
065Legal First NameText60reg.first_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  First Name
070Legal Middle NameText60reg.middle_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Middle Name
075Legal Name SuffixText10reg.generationregtb_generationRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Generation
080Date of BirthText10reg.birthdate Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Birthdate
095Student Grade LevelText2reg_entry_with.gradereg_gradeRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal:  Grade
100GenderText1reg.gender Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel:  Gender
105Race/EthnicityText1reg_personal.fed_race_ethnic Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal > Federal panel:  Federal Code
110ASVAB Test DateText10ltdb_stu_test.test_date where test_code='MOASVAB' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Definition panel:  Test Date field
115Verbal SkillsInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOVERBAL' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Verbal Skills score
120Math SkillsInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOMATH' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Math Skills score
125Science and Tech SkillsInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOSCTECH' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Science and Tech Skills score
130General ScienceInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOGENSC' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  General Science score
135Arithmetic ReasoningInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOARIREAS' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Arithmetic Reasoning score
140Word KnowledgeInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOWORDKNOW' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Word Knowledge score
145Paragraph ComprehensionInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOPARACOMP' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Paragraph Comprehension score
150Mathematics KnowledgeInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOMATHKNOW' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Math Knowledge score
155Electronics InformationInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOELECINFO' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Electronics Info score
160Auto and Shop InformationInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOAUTO' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Auto and Shop Info score
165Mechanical ComprehensionInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOMECH' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Mechanical Comprehension score
170Military Entrance ScoreInteger2ltdb_stu_subtest.score where score_code maps to ltdb_subtest_score with test_code ='MOASVAB' and state_code_equiv='MOMES' Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student >  click appropriate Test Date for MOASVAB - 1 - 1 > Subtests and Scores panel:  Military Entrance Score
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