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SDS FTE Verification Report

Regulatory > MI Utilities > MI Utilities > SDS FTE Verification Report

This option will create a Building FTE Detail and/or Building FTE Summary report based on the information selected in the prompts. The name of the report file on your eSchoolPlus home page is based on your Building FTE from selection, the type of report you printed, and the date when you ran the report.

For example, suppose you choose to take Building FTE from SDS Student Download records, you select the Building FTE Detail report, and the run date and time are 04/18/2013 at 09:48:13 am.  On Tasks/Reports, the resulting report name is SDS Student Download FTE Verification Detail Report 130418094813. 


Field Description

School Year

Enter the school year you are running the report for.

Building FTE from


  • Building FTE Screen – When selected all data will be generated in the report from the base field locations. See where data is from? Section of manual for more information.
  • SDS Student Download – When selected all student data will be generated in the report from the Download table. 
Collection Date 

Collection Type

This field is available when you select SDS Student Download in the Building FTE from field. You must indicate what submission data you want to use, or choose MSDS Upload File if you want the report based on uploaded state file data.  Note that MSDS Upload File records are identified in the Download table by a Collection ID higher than 20.

Date of Count

The count date of the data you are running the report for.  If using the Download data the dropdown will allow you to select dates that have been downloaded. If using the Building FTE screen data, you may pick any date as your count date.


Either All or selected buildings to include (the report groups by state code equiv of the building)

Include Non Student Info

This prompt references individuals added through the MI Non-Student district-defined page. This page is no longer used in Michigan eSchoolPlus state reporting.

Include Signature Section

Checked to include the signature section

Building FTE Detail

Checked to generate the Building FTE Detail report.

This report will show details of all students included. Grade Totals, Building Totals & District Totals will be included.

A signature section will be included at the bottom of each Building total section if selected on the prompts page.

Building Gender Ethnicity Summary

Checked to generate the Building Gender/Ethnicity Summary report.

This report will show totals only. The report groups by:

  • District
  • Building
  • Grade
  • Gender
  • Race/Ethnicity.
Building FTE Summary

Checked to generate the Building FTE Summary report.

This report will show totals only:

  • Grade Totals
  • Building Totals
  • District Totals

Where the FTE Detail report data comes from if Building FTE Screen Selected

This report includes all students enrolled at some point between the start and end dates entered. The report is grouped by Building and Grade and sorted by Building, Grade and Name. 

Column Label


Where in eSchoolPlus?



Count of record number being processed


Record being processed (# of the record being printed: 1, 2, 3, etc.)

Student ID

Student's Local ID

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration: Student ID (reg.student_id)



Student's Name

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration: Last Name, First Name Middle Name (reg.last_name , reg.first_name, reg.middle_name)


Last, First <space> Middle

Street Address


Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses > Addresses panel: Street Number, Street Prefix, Street Name, Street Suffix, Street Type

(reg_contact information where the reg_stu_contact. contact_type is 'M' or 'P' (mailing or physical). 

Use reg_contact.street_number + street_prefix + street_name + street_suffix + street_type)

(a space in between each item)



Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses > Addresses panel: City (




Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses > Addresses panel: State (reg_address.state)


Zip code


Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses > Addresses panel: Zip Code (reg_address.zipcode)




Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration: Birth Date (reg.birthdate)


Enrollment Date


Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration: District Enrollment Date (reg.dist_enroll_date)




Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal: Race (reg_ethnicity.Ethnic_code converted to state code equiv – list of all codes the student has (if more than 1 ethnicity separated by commas))




Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration: Gender (reg.gender)




Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal: Residency (reg_personal.residency converted using regtb_residency.state_code_equiv)

Default to 14 if blank

Resident District


Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration: District of Residence (reg.home_district (converted using state_code_equiv), if none, defaults to district # state code equiv (characters 3-7) & the district name from reg_district table.  Should display as xxxx-DistrictName)


General Ed FTE


Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MI Building FTE: FTE (General Ed)

(mi_v_stu_fte. fte_general_ed as of the end date in the prompts for building)

Default to 1.00 if blank

Special Ed FTE – Section 52


Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MI Building FTE: FTE (Section 52) (mi_v_stu_fte. fte_section_52 as of the end date in the prompts for building)

Default to 0.00 if blank

Special Ed FTE – Section 53


Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MI Building FTE: FTE (Section 53)  

(mi_v_stu_fte. fte_section_53 as of the end date in the prompts for the building being processed)

Default to 0.00 if blank

Adult FTE


Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MI Adult Ed: FTE  

If end date between 7/1 and 8/31 then pull mi_v_stu_adult_ed.program_fte where program_month = 'J'  

If end date between 9/1 and 1/31 then pull mi_v_stu_adult_ed.program_fte where program_month = 'S'  

If end date between 2/1 and 3/31 then pull mi_v_stu_adult_ed.program_fte where program_month = 'F'  

If end date between 4/1 and 6/30 then pull mi_v_stu_adult_ed.program_fte where program_month = 'A'

Default to 0.00 if blank

Total FTE



Sum of the 4 FTE Fields above

Where the FTE Detail report data comes from if SDS Student Download Selected

This report includes all students with a matching year and date of count in the mi_srsd_down table. The data on the report is grouped by the report by Building and Grade. The data is sorted by Building, Grade and Name.

Note that the Building comes from mi_student_down.schoolfacnumber. 

Column Label


Where in the database?



Count of record number being processed


Record being processed (# of the record being printed: 1, 2, 3, etc.)

Student Id

Local Student Id




Student's Name

mi_student_down.lastname, mi_student_down.firstname mi_student_down.middlename

Should be in format:

Last, First <space> Middle

Street Address










Zip code






Enrollment Date
















Resident District




General Ed FTE




Special Ed FTE – Section 52




Special Ed FTE – Section 53




Adult FTE




Total FTE


Sum of the 4 FTE Fields above


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