Scheduling Setup
This section of the documentation reviews the required setups necessary for sending elementary student data in the TSDL submission.
Scheduling Guidelines for Elementary Students
The following guidelines apply to any school where you previously did not schedule students.
- You must configure all buildings for Scheduling. When determining the number of periods to define or the structure of the timetable, first review how the building will schedule students. Note that the times in the timetable do not need to reflect class times if you select to use the model suggested in item 3.
- To correctly report course information, you must create Master Schedule course records for unique classes of students.
- If a teacher teaches the Art course to 10 classes of students, there must be 10 sections of Art. Students must be scheduled into the appropriate sections so class counts are correct.
- If a teacher teaches multiple subjects or core classes to the same group of students, you can choose to either create a separate course for each subject or schedule a single course section such as Grade 1.
- The Scheduling package will not allow you to save a schedule if there are conflicts with the meeting time between classes. To avoid creating conflicts, you can create a simplified schedule where all sections of a specific course meet in the same period. For example, the core classes could meet period 1, art classes could meet period 2, and music class could meet period 3.
- Use the Scheduled Courses Load/Unload/Lock/Erase to schedule students into the appropriate sections of courses.
At a minimum, you will also need to set up:
- Registration Setup: Rooms, Cycle Days, Staff Information, and Marking Periods
- Scheduling Setup: Intervals, Scheduling Building Configuration, Periods, Timetable
- Course Catalog: create courses based on the scenario(s) above for your Elementary Buildings
- MI Course: Update the MI Course screen for each elementary course
- Master Schedule: create course sections as necessary, updating any exceptions on the MI Course page at the Course Section level as necessary