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MI Title III LEP and Immigrant Page

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MI Title III LEP and Immigrant

MSDS documentation now refers to MI Title III LEP (Limited English Proficient) as MI Title III EL (English Learner).

LEP Participant

Indicates whether the student participates in a LEP program.  

The LEP Participant setting here is the same as the ESL setting on the student's Personal page.  You can view and update this field in either place.

LEP Instructional Program

Select the type of LEP program that the student is participating in by clicking on the hyperlink to maintain the date tracked information.

XML Components: Title III LEP and Immigrant, Program Participation

Home Country of Refugee

If the student is a refugee, select his/her home country.

No longer submitted

English Language Prof TestSelect the type of English Language proficiency test the student took by clicking on the hyperlink to maintain the date tracked information.
English Language Prof LevelSelect the student's English Language proficiency level by clicking on the hyperlink to maintain the date tracked information.
LEP Exit Reason

When a student leaves the LEP program, select the appropriate reason by clicking on the hyperlink to maintain the date tracked information.  The LEP Exit Date value will be pulled from the Exit Date on the Program page.

The LEP Exit Reason characteristic is not included in state and federal reports.  The SDS Download still updates the characteristic, but CEPI no longer enforces business rules for it.
XML Components: Title III LEP and Immigrant

Title III LEP Program

Click the hyperlink if the student participates in a Title III Federally funded program.

The LEP/Immigrant Funding characteristic is not included in state and federal reports.  The SDS Download still updates the characteristic, but CEPI no longer enforces business rules for it.

XML Components: Title III LEP and Immigrant

Title III Immigrant Program

Click the hyperlink if the student participates in a Title III Immigrant Federally funded program.

The LEP/Immigrant Funding characteristic is not included in state and federal reports. The SDS Download still updates the characteristic, but CEPI no longer enforces business rules for it.

XML Components: Title III LEP and Immigrant

Section 41 – Pupils of LEA

Click the hyperlink if the student participates in a Section 41 State funded program.

XML Components: Title III LEP and Immigrant

Locally funded Eng Acq Prog

Click the hyperlink if the student participates in a locally-funded English Language Acquisition program.

The LEP/Immigrant Funding characteristic is not included in state and federal reports. The SDS Download still updates the characteristic, but CEPI no longer enforces business rules for it.

XML Components: Title III LEP and Immigrant

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