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MI Part C Assessment Page

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MI Part C Assessment

Use this page to track a child's Early On entry, exit, and annual assessment information. This data is reported in the General Collection, Part C Assessment component. The three most recent records are reported for a single student in a particular collection, based on Assessment Date.

Assessment DateSelect the date when the student's assessment occurred. The Part C Assessment component reports the student's three most recent records based on the Assessment Date.
Assessment TypeSelect whether the record is for Part C entry assessment, annual review of ongoing services, or exit from Part C.
Data SourceSelect the comprehensive assessment tool used.
Other Source CommentEnter the assessment tool used if you selected a Data Source of Other.
Parent InputSelect the manner in which parent input was included in the assessment.
Parent Input DateSelect the date when parent input was collected.
Social RelationshipsSelect the child's assessment rating in terms of forming positive social relationships.
New Social RelationshipsChecked if the child shows any new skill or behavior related to positive social relationships.
Knowledge SkillsSelect the child's assessment rating for acquisition and use of knowledge and skills.
New Knowledge SkillsChecked if the child shows a new skill or behavior related to acquisition and use of knowledge and skills.
ActionsSelect the child's assessment rating on the ability to take appropriate actions to meet his or her needs.
New ActionsChecked if the child shows a new skill or behavior related to taking action to meet his or her own needs.
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