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MI Early On IFSP Part B Referral Page

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MI Early ON / IFSP / Part B Referral

Use this page to enter and track data for the following General Collection components:

  • Early On – Tracks information for children under the age of 3 who receive district services.  This may or may not include Special Education services.
  • Initial IFSP – Reports collection of Individual Family Service Program (IFSP) information for children from birth to age 3 who receive early intervention services.  These services may or may not include Special Education.
  • Part B Referral – Shows children transitioning from Part C to Part B services.

Each field on this page includes a prefix to clarify the component where it applies.

To report data in any of these components, your district needs the EEM Entity Type field setting of ISD – Intermediate School District on the MI EEM Entity Type district district-defined page (Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > MI EEM Entity Type).  ISD is the default setting.

EO – Primary Service CodePrimary type of Part C services provided to the child.  This selection is combined with the Secondary Service Codes into a comma-separated list of service codes in the Early On component.
EO – Secondary Service CodeReport up to four additional types of Part C services provided to the child.  The secondary values follow the Primary Service Code in a comma-separated list when Early On component service codes are reported.
EO - Non Reported Service CodeSelect a service code if you want to track a service code for the child, but not report it.
EO – Primary Service SettingEnvironment where the majority of the Part C services are provided.
EO – Service Coord AgencyType of agency providing Part C service coordination for the child.
EO – Timely Start of ServiceSelect the service start status for services identified on the child's IFSP.
EO – Current IFSP Date

Date of the notice or offer of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) associated with the child's most recent IFSP.

  • Active Early On participants should have an IFSP annually.
  • The SDS Download does not report the Early On component if the student's Current IFSP Date is later than the Date of Count.
EO – Part C Exit ReasonReason given for a child discontinuing Part C services.
EO – Exit DateDate when the child stopped receiving Part C services.
EO – Transition IFSPIndicate if the transition IFSP was completed within the required timeframe (at least 90 days before the toddler's third birthday but not more than 9 months prior).
EO – Transition ConferenceIndicate if the transition IFSP conference was held within the required timeframe (at least 90 days before the toddler's third birthday but not more than 9 months prior).
IFSP – Referral Date

Date when the responsible agency for Part C evaluation, assessment, and eligibility determination, first learned about the fact the child may be eligible for services.

For a particular Referral Date, an Initial IFSP record is reported once.  After you report a Referral Date once, you will not see the SDS Download report that same date again.  You will get a warning in the error log noting when an Initial IFSP component record is not created because a date had already been reported.

IFSP – Referral AgencyType of agency that notified the responsible agency the child may possibly be Part C service-eligible.
IFSP – IFSP TimelinessIndicate whether initial IFSP was completed within the required timeframe, per Part C regulations.
IFSP – Result of Initial IFSPIndicate results of the initial referral and service plan for Part C.
IFSP – Initial IFSP DateDate of the child's initial Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
PBR – SEA Notification

Indicates whether the State Education Agency was notified at the appropriate time for toddlers who are potentially Part B preschool-service eligible.  The appropriate timeframe is at least 90 days prior to the child's third birthday, as long as it is no greater than 9 months ahead of that date.

The student needs a value at minimum in either SEA Notification or LEA Notification to have a Part B Referral record reported in the Student Record Maintenance collection.

PBR – LEA Notification

Indicates whether the Local Education Agency was notified at the appropriate time for toddlers who are potentially Part B preschool-service eligible.  The appropriate timeframe is at least 90 days prior to the child's third birthday, as long as it is no greater than 9 months ahead of that date.

The student needs a value at minimum in either SEA Notification or LEA Notification to have a Part B Referral record reported in the Student Record Maintenance collection.

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