MI Early Childhood Special Education Assessment Page
Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MI Early Childhood SPED Assessment
Fields | Description |
Entry Assessment Tool | Entry assessment method used to determine the student's level of functioning in the three tested areas. The Start Date you assign here is used in the Early Childhood Special Education Assessment component as the Entry Assessment Date. |
Entry Other Tool | If the entry assessment tool differed from the options available in the Entry Assessment Tool field, enter a description of the alternate tool here. |
Entry Outcome 1A | For positive social-emotional skills (including social relations), report the extent to which the child shows age appropriate functioning on the entry assessment. |
Entry Outcome 2A | For acquiring and using knowledge and skills, report the extent to which the child shows age appropriate functioning on the entry assessment. |
Entry Outcome 3A | For taking appropriate actions to meet needs, report the extent to which the child shows age appropriate functioning on the entry assessment. |
Entry Outcome 1B, 2B, and 3B | These fields are not used for an entry assessment. |
Exit Assessment Tool | Exit assessment method used to determine the student's level of functioning in the three tested areas. The Start Date you assign here is used in the Early Childhood Special Education Assessment component as the Exit Assessment Date. |
Exit Other Tool | If the exit assessment tool differed from the options available in the Exit Assessment Tool field, enter a description of the alternate tool here. |
Exit Outcome 1A | For positive social-emotional skills (including social relations), report the extent to which the child shows age appropriate functioning on the exit assessment. |
Exit Outcome 1B | On the exit assessment, indication of the child's new skill acquisition related to positive social-emotional skills (including positive social relationships) since last assessment. |
Exit Outcome 2A | For acquiring and using knowledge and skills, report the extent to which the child shows age appropriate functioning on the exit assessment. |
Exit Outcome 2B | On the exit assessment, indication of the child's new skill acquisition related to acquiring and using knowledge and skills since last assessment. |
Exit Outcome 3A | For taking appropriate actions to meet needs, report the extent to which the child shows age appropriate functioning on the exit assessment. |
Exit Outcome 3B | On the exit assessment, indication of the child's new skill acquisition related to taking appropriate action to meet needs since last assessment. |