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March 2021 Major Maintenance Release

This changes has been released in the following software versions:

  • ESP_19.11.28.0
  • ESP_20.4.21.0



Release Note

ESP-48435SDS Downloads

The attendance records to be included in the MI SDS Download for state reporting should consider the following requirements:

  1. Create an attendance calculation in the MI EOY General Collection (Attendance) Extracts.
  2. Any attendance code which has a State Code Equivalent of P (Present) should be considered as a two-way interaction.
  3. The attendance calculation should be performed as per the following rules:
    1. 2 (or more) two-way interactions in a week = 5 present codes for the week.
    2. 1 two-way interaction in a week = 3 present codes for the week.
    3. 0 two-way interaction in a week = 0 present code for the week.
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