On this page:
The Michigan Student Download System collects information on disciplinary incidents through the Discipline component and the Seclusion and Restraint component. The Discipline component collects records based on these rules:
- Send discipline action information whenever any student receives an In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension, or Expulsion as an Offense Action Code. Following are the Offense Action validation table State Code Equivs: In-School Suspension is any code mapping to State Code Equiv 1; Out-of-School Suspension maps to State Code Equiv of 2; Expulsion maps to State Code Equiv of 5.
- For Special Education students, also send discipline action information whenever the student receives an Action Code indicating Removal by Hearing Officer (Offense Action State Code Equiv of 3) or Unilateral Removal to an Interim Alternative Educational Setting (Offense Action State Code Equiv of 4).
Later in this section, we provide details on entry for the Seclusion and Restraint component.
Discipline Incidents
The following table shows the state information for Discipline incident codes.
State Description | State Code Equiv |
Firearm Possession - Handgun | 20 |
Firearm Possession - Rifle or Shotgun | 21 |
Firearm Possession - other than Handgun, Rifle or Shotgun | 22 |
Other Weapon Possession | 23 |
Illicit Drug | 30 |
Alcohol | 31 |
Bomb or Similar Threat | 44 |
Arson | 55 |
Other - Cannot be appropriately categorized into one of the specified types. [Incident is not related to drugs (including alcohol, and tobacco), weapons or physical violence or threat of violence] | 56 |
Physical Violence with injury | 60 |
Physical Violence without injury | 61 |
Tobacco | 62 |
Discipline Offender Actions
Action information is reported for actions assigned to students. The eSchoolPlus system allows you to track actions by occurrence or date ranges.
- If you track actions by occurrences, the first Scheduled Date becomes the value for the Start of Action field in the Discipline component.
- If you track actions by entering date ranges in start and end date fields, the Scheduled Start Date becomes the value for the Start of Action field in the Discipline component.
Seclusion and Restraint Component and Offender Actions
Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click a specific Offender to expand > Offense Actions section
Incident Entry
To indicate a behavior action for an incident where a student is secluded from the rest of the student population, select the Action Code your district uses for this purpose. Your district likely uses a code with an associated description of Seclusion. You can enter this action multiple times in separate rows for the same incident and student if you had to seclude the student more than once for that incident.
To indicate a behavior action for an incident where a student is restrained, make sure your Action Code selection distinguishes between Physical or Mechanical Restraint. You can enter restraint actions in separate rows for the same incident and student if you applied a restraint to the student more than once for that incident. You may repeat the same restraint type, Physical or Mechanical, if appropriate.
Michigan SDS Reporting
The MSDS Seclusion and Restraint component uses disciplinary actions applied to incident offenders to get daily totals showing how many times a specific student was secluded or restrained. The component reports totals based on the Incident Date (Incident panel > Definition section). eSchoolPlus checks whether the student appears as an Offender for multiple incidents on the same date. If so, the SDS Download totals the number of Action Codes for the date's incidents identifying the student as restrained. It gets a separate total for Action Codes identifying the student as secluded.
Specifically, the student gets a record showing the following:
- Number of Times Secluded - For the Date Occurred (Incident Date), this is the total Action Codes with a State Code Equiv of SECLUSION in the Offense Actions validation table.
- Number of Times Restrained - For the Date Occurred (Incident Date), this is the student's total Action Codes with a State Code Equiv of PRESTRAINT, for Physical Restraint, or MRESTRAINT, for Mechanical Restraint.
Discipline Offender MI Offender Page
If an offender has caused Property Damage or if there is a victim for an incident, update the Offender district-defined screen.
Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders Panel > Detail Page > display MI Offender section
Fields | Description |
Est Cost of Property Damage | If applicable, enter the estimated cost of property damage that the offender caused. |
Primary Victim | Select the primary victim type. |
Serious Bodily Injury | Indicates if the incident involved physical violence with injury. |
Sexual Assault | Indicates if the incident involved sexual assault. |
Discipline Action MI Discipline Followup Page
For discipline incidents where students are expelled, update the Action district-defined screen to indicate what follow-up/services the student has received during his/her expulsion.
Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders Panel > Detail Page > display MI Discipline Followup section
Fields | Description |
Followup | Select the appropriate follow-up occurring for the student after being expelled. |