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Course Data for MI State Reporting

Data for State Reporting at the Course Catalog level is retrieved from the Building Course Setup area even if you are using the District Course Catalog. 

MI Course

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > MI Course or Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > MI Course
The information on this page is used for the TSDL submission.

Course Type

Select the appropriate Course Type for the course.  If this is blank, it will default a value of 01 in the XML component.

XML Components: Student Course

Course SectionSelect the appropriate Course Section option for the course.
College Credit

Number of college credit hours earned in a dual/concurrent enrollment course that is eligible for Section 64b Incentive funding.

XML Components: Student Course

Term TypeSelect the appropriate Term Type for the course. 
Virtual Method

Select the type of virtual instruction offered through this course.

For information on including transfer building students' virtual courses in the TSDL submission, refer to the MI SDS Download Options district-level page section.

XML Components: Student Course

Mentor PIC 1

Personnel Identification Code for a mentor teacher serving as the teacher of record for a virtual delivery course.  The Student Course download references this field only for courses with a Virtual Method of BL – Blended Learning.

For courses with a Virtual Method of OC – Online Course or DL – Digital Learning, the Student Course component reports the course staff member's Staff State ID as the Mentor PIC.

Blended Learning courses may have up to three mentor teachers.

XML Components: Student Course

Mentor PIC 2

Personnel Identification Code for a mentor teacher serving as the teacher of record for a virtual delivery course.  The Student Course download references this field only for courses with a Virtual Method of BL – Blended Learning.

For courses with a Virtual Method of OC – Online Course or DL – Digital Learning, the Student Course component reports the course staff member's Staff State ID as the Mentor PIC.

Blended Learning courses may have up to three mentor teachers.

XML Components: Student Course

Mentor PIC 3

Personnel Identification Code for a mentor teacher serving as the teacher of record for a virtual delivery course.  The Student Course download references this field only for courses with a Virtual Method of BL – Blended Learning.

For courses with a Virtual Method of OC – Online Course or DL – Digital Learning, the Student Course component reports the course staff member's Staff State ID as the Mentor PIC.

Blended Learning courses may have up to three mentor teachers.

XML Components: Student Course

Exclude from TSDLChecked if the course should not be included in the Student Course component for the TSDL submission.

Master Schedule Course Information

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule

The NCES Code is used for the Subject Area Code and Course Identifier Code fields in the Student Course component. The SDS Download first looks for the NCES Code at the Master Schedule level for a course. If it does not find the code in the Master Schedule, the download uses the building's Course Catalog.

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