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Perkins Outcome File

State Center > Maryland > Utilities

The file is provided by the State on September 15th.


You must verify that the Technical Assessment, Technical Attainment and Former Ethnicity fields on the MSPP Indicators page are populated correctly for CTE Completer students.




School Year

The school year used to obtain the students 'latest withdrawal code on their Entry/Withdrawal Record. The default value is determined by the current school year - 1. The value in this field can be changed.


the name of the file that will be imported

Import Directory

The location where the file is stored. If the file is stored in the home report directory for the user running the file, select User's Report Directory. If the file is stored in a location other than the home report directory for the user, select This Directory. When selecting This Directory, you must enter the full directory path for the file location on the server.

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