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PARCC Testing Accommodations

There are 3 pages where users can enter PARCC testing accommodations for students:

  • General/Admin Access
  • IEP or 504 Plan
  • English Learners (EL)

General Admin Access

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > General Admin/Access



Frequent Breaks

Checked if the student receives frequent breaks during testing.

Separate/Alternate Location

Checked if the student takes the test in a separate or alternate location.

Small Testing Group

Checked if the student takes the test in a small testing group.

Special Equipment/Furniture

Checked if the student requires special equipment or furniture during testing.

Specified Area or Setting

Checked if the student takes the test in a specified area or setting.

Time of Day


Answer Masking

Checked if the student uses an answer-masking feature to cover portions of a question until appropriate. 

Color Contrast

Selection indicating the student requires a color contrast accommodation for an online or paper test.

  • A student with the 07 – Color Overlay selection requires Test Format of P – Paper. 
  • Selections 01 through 06 require Test Format of O – Online.

Math Online Text-to-Speech

Setting indicating if the student gets test content read aloud via Text-to-Speech embedded within TestNav8.

Math Online Human Read/Signer

Setting indicating the student gets a proctored version of the test.

  • This only applies for the Online Test Format.

Paper Test Human Read/Signer

Setting indicating the student gets a proctored version of the test.

  • This only applies for the Paper Test Format.

Alternative Representation Paper

Checked if the student requires a paper-based test format.

Large Print Test Booklet

Checked if the student requires a Large Print Booklet for a paper exam.

  • This applies only for the Paper Test Format.
  • The student needs an active IEP Indicator or 504 Indicator.

Braille Tactile Graphics Book

Selection indicating if the student gets a hard copy Braille test booklet with embedded tactile graphics.

IEP or 504 Plan

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > Accommodations IEP or 504 Plan

The student must have and active IEP Indicator or 504 Indicator.



ASL Video

Checked if a student taking a computer-based test gets American Sign Language content provided through a video.

  • This only applies for the Online Test Format.

Assistive Tech -Screen Reader

Setting determining the Screen Reader Application used to deliver a computer-based test form.

  • This only applies for the Online Test Format.

Tactile Graphics

Selection indicating if the student gets a hard copy Braille test booklet with embedded tactile graphics.

Answers Recorded in Test Book

Checked if the student records answers directly in the test book.

  • This only applies for the Paper Test Format.

Braille Response

Setting indicating a blind or visually impaired student has answers captured by a Braille Writer or note taker.

Monitor Test Response

Checked if the test administrator or assigned accommodator monitors placement of student responses on a test booklet.

  • This only applies for the Paper Test Format.

Word Prediction

Checked if the student uses an external word prediction device.

ELA/L Close Captioning

Checked if the student gets closed captioning and subtitling for a computer-based test.

  • This only applies for the Online Test Format.

ELA/L Human Signer/Reader

Setting indicating the student gets a proctored version of the test.

ELA/L Refreshable Braille Disp

Checked if the student uses an external device to convert Screen Reader text into Braille.

  • This only applies for the Online Test Format.

ELA/L Text-to-Speech

Setting indicating if the student gets test content read aloud via Text-to-Speech embedded within TestNav8.

ELA/L Constructed Response

Setting indicating how a student's response is captured for Constructed Response item types on an ELA test.

ELA/L Select Resp/Tech Enhance

Setting indicating how the student's response is captured for ELA tests.

Calc Device & Math Tools

Selection indicating the student is allowed to use a calculator as an accommodation, including for items designated in non-calculator sections.  The student may also use an arithmetic table or other manipulatives.

A student must be provided a hand-held calculator and/or mathematics tools.

  • This only applies for Math tests.

Mathematics Response - IEP/504

Setting indicating how a student's response is captured for a Math test.

Extended Time - IEP/504

Selection indicating the student gets extra time.

English Learners (EL)

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > Accommodations English Learners (EL)

The student must have an active ELL program indicator.



Directions in Native Language

Checked if the student received instructions in native language.

Read Aloud/Repeat Native Lang

Setting indicating the student's native language in which instructions are read aloud or repeated.

Word to Word Dictionary

Checked if the student uses a published word-to-word hand-held dictionary.

Mathematics Response - EL

Setting indicating how a student's response is captured for a Math test.

Math Translation Text-2-Speech

Setting indicating if Spanish text-to-speech needs to be administered for this student.

Math Translation Online

Setting indicating if a Spanish language online format needs to be administered for this student.

Math Translation Paper

Setting indicating if a Spanish language form needs to be administered for this student.

Extended Time - EL

Checked if the student gets extra time.

EL Exempt

Checked if the student should not be included in the Pre-ID download.

ELA Assessment Exempt Status

Checked if student is exempt from the ELA Assessment.

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