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MD Student Record

Menu path: From the Registration main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select MD Student Record.

Use this page to update Medical records for the SR7 Form.



Blood Lead Screening

Select Y or N if the student received blood lead screening.


Select Y or N if the student received a physical.

Immunization Compliance

Select Y, N, or N/A if the student is compliant with immunizations.

Active Duty Military Parent

Select Y, N, or U if the student's parent/guardian is an active military member.

Gifted/TalentedSelect Y or N if the student is part of the Gifted/Talented program.
Pre-K Tier StatusSelect 1 - Tier 1, 2 - Tier 2, or 3 - Tier 3 denoting the student's Pre-K tier status.
Federal Poverty LevelEnter the student's federal poverty level between 000 through 999.
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