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MD Student Arrest

Interventions > All > Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail > Other Offender Information panel > Student Arrest

Use this page to enter student arrest data for discipline incidents. This data is used for the MD Student Arrest Report.



Arrest Date

Enter the date of the arrest. Required field.

Complaint Number

If applicable, enter the complain number for the arrest.

Arresting Officer

Enter the name of the officer performing the arrest. Required field.

Badge Number

Enter the badge number of the arresting officer.

Arresting Officer Type

Select the type of officer who made the arrest.

Arresting Officer Sex

Select the sex of the arresting officer.

Officer Assigned to School

Checked if the officer is assigned to the school.

Not Assigned to School Local

If the arresting officer is not primarily assigned to the school, enter where the officer is assigned.

Location of Arrest

Select the location where the arrest occurred.

Student/Adult Involvement

Select the adult or staff member who was involved in the arrest.

Arrest Type

Select the type of arrest (Physical or Paper). Required field.

Law Enforcement Referral

Checked if the arrest led to a law enforcement referral.

DJS Referral

Checked if the arrest led to a DJS referral.

DJS Referral by Whom

If the arrest led to a DJS referral, indicate who performed the referral.

Placement length (days)

If applicable, enter the placement days for the student.

Arresting Offense

Select the offense that led to the arrest. Required field.

Outcome of Arrest

Select the outcome of the arrest. Required field.

Start Date

 Enter the start date.

End Date

 Enter the end date.


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