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Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > Maryland Model for School Readiness

The data on this page is used in the KRA Report (formerly MMSR Report).



Predominant Prior Care

Select the type of early care (other than home or care by a relative) that the child spent the most time since September of the previous year. You may only select one and the valid choices are defined by the state. 

Home Care

Checked if student has been cared for exclusively at home or by a relative. Check the box for yes, leave the box unchecked for no.  Important:  If this field is checked, you should leave the Predominant Prior Care field blank.

Head Start

Checked to indicate if the child had any early care experience in Head Start. 


Checked to indicate if the child had any early care experience in Pre-Kindergarten.

Child Care Center

Checked to indicate if the child had any early care experience in a Child Care Center.

Family Child Care

Checked to indicate if the child had any early care experience in Family Child Care. 

Non-Public Nursery

Checked to indicate if the child had any early care experience in a Non-Public Nursery.

Even Start

Checked to indicate if the child had any early care experience in Even Start. 


Checked to indicate if the child had any early care experience in Hippy.

Parents As Teachers

Checked to indicate if the child had any early care experience in Parents As Teachers.

Preschool Special ED

Checked to indicate if the child had any early care experience in Preschool Special Ed.

Other Not Listed

Checked to indicate if the child had any early care experience in other prior care not listed. 

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