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March 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.3.0.0



Release Note

ESP-92493Maryland Student Course Grade Teacher (SCGT) Download

Revised the logic of the end date for Maryland Student Course Grade Teacher reports to include the Special Education End Date for students who have transitioned out of the Special Education program.

ESP-92476Maryland Enrollment, Attendance, and Promotion Report (Early Attendance)
  • Added the Geolocation ID data element to the Early Attendance download and extract.
  • Implemented warnings for Geolocation ID:
    • If not 15 digits: "Geolocation ID must be 15 digits in length."
    • If not numeric: "Geolocation ID must be numeric."
    • If blank/Null: "Geolocation ID defaulted to 000000000000000."
    • For non-standard values: "Geolocation ID should start with 24 or be all zeroes."
ESP-91765Maryland Discipline Report

Modified the processing to insert meal status value as F, R, or N instead of Y and N in the MD Discipline Download Report.

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