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District Setups

This section includes information about District-wide setups and configurations that are necessary for successful eTranscript submission from eSchoolPlus.

For eTranscript, you need to make sure that your District Configuration has the following fields updated appropriately.

MD e-Transcript Configuration Portal

Administration > System Setup > District > MD e-Transcript Configuration Portal

District Tab 



Institution Code Qualifier

The qualifier for determining the type of institution code used by the district to be sent in the eTranscript data.

Institution ID

The code value for the district

Student ID Type

Select the type of student ID to report on the eTranscript submission. Choose 'Local' for the eSchoolPlus student ID or 'State' for the state reporting ID.

Auto Generate Printable Transcript

Check if you wish to have a printable PDF version of the transcript generated by the process.

Number of Days Till Submission Expires

Number of days before a sent transmission is expired. To set no expiration date, select 0.

Data Transfer Drive Letter

The root drive letter where eTranscript has been installed.

Final Grade Label

Select the code which will be used to determine where the grades will be pulled. For example, to just view the Final scores, this will be the Code assigned to Final on the Transcript View Setup page.

Task Schedule Information Tab 



Run As ID

Selects the eSchoolPlus user ID under which the tasks are run and the directory where log files are kept.

Last Run Time

Date/Time stamp of the last process run.

Next Run Time

Date/Time stamp of the next scheduled run.

Change Task Schedule

Checked to indicate that changes made to Schedule settings will be saved when the save is done. When a save is performed, all previous weekly tasks are deleted. If unchecked, the user will be prompted to confirm if changes are to be saved or not.

Days of the Week

Select which days eTranscript is to run.

Run Time

Enter the specific times during the day that eTranscript will run.

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