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College and Career Readiness

Menu path: From the Registration main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select College and Career Readiness.

Use this page for MD High School Data Collection (HSDC) reporting.

CCR Determination Gr11 MathIndicates that the student met the College and Career Readiness determination in Math at the end of the Grade 11 year. 
Transition Opportunity MathIndicates that a student not designated CCR by the end of Grade 11 participated in a transition opportunity in Math.
Re-assessment MathIndicates that a student not designated CCR by the end of Grade 11 completed a reassessment in Math.
CCR Determination Gr12 MathIndicates that the student met the College and Career Readiness determination in Math at the end of the Grade 12 year.
CCR Determination Gr11 ELAIndicates that the student met the College and Career Readiness determination in ELA at the end of the Grade 11 year. 
Transition Opportunity ELAIndicates that a student not designated CCR by the end of Grade 11 participated in a transition opportunity in ELA.
Re-assessment ELAIndicates that a student not designated CCR by the end of Grade 11 completed a reassessment in ELA.
CCR Determination Gr12 ELAIndicates that the student met the College and Career Readiness determination in ELA at the end of the Grade 12 year.
CCR Sub Assess Status - MathIndicates that the student was assessed for College and Career Readiness in Math.
CCR Sub Elig Status - MathIndicates that the student met the College and Career Readiness standard in Math.
CCR Sub Assess Status - EngIndicates that the student was assessed for College and Career Readiness in English.
CCR Sub Elig Status - EngIndicates that the student met the College and Career Readiness standard in English.
9th Grade TrackerIndicates that at the end of the Grade 9 student’s first year, the student is on track towards meeting LEA graduation requirements.
9th Grade Credits AccumulatedIndicates the number of credits accumulated by a Grade 9 student during the first year of high school.
9th Grade Sem Course FailuresIndicates the number of semester core course failures by a Grade 9 student during the first year of high school.
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