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Building Setups

On this page:

This section includes information about building setups and configurations that are necessary for successful eTranscript submission from eSchoolPlus.

Transcript View Setup

Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > View Setup > Transcript View Setup

Transcript Course Summary 




Select the building.

For Grade

Checked if used as a default for all grades. You may also select grades individually.

View For

Select View Type of "T". 

Group Courses By

Select the Yearly option.

Display Course Level

Checked if you want course level displayed.

Display Course Type

Checked if you want course type displayed.

Transcript Type 




Select the building. Transcript View must be set up for each building from which transcript data will be generated.

For Grade

Checked if used as a default for all grades. You may also select grades individually.

View For

View Type "T" must be set up for each building from which transcript data will be generated. 

Group Courses By

A Yearly transcript is required for e-transcript.
There must be a valid Transcript View Setup configuration for with the View For of T –Transcript type and Group Course By of Y – Yearly for each building from which student data is to be sent.

Display Course Level

Checked if you want course level displayed.

CEEB Code Number

Enter the assigned CEEB code for the building. CEEB Code Number is included in the e-Transcript data file sent to the University for processing and must be set correctly here for the data to be accepted.

Report Template

Checked if you wish to use the default template from eSchoolPlus. If you do not wish to use the default template, you may upload a customized template by entering the file path/name and clicking Upload. Note that e-Transcript will always use the default template to create the pdf copies.

Calendar and Marking Period

Make sure calendar & marking periods are set up for the current year AND prior years. This applies only to buildings that have students that need to be reported via MD e-Transcript.

If prior years are not setup, you will get an e-Transcript incorrect term error.

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