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Teacher Course Assignment File

Field #Field NameeSchoolPLUS table.columnRequired?Field LengthValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPLUS?Notes
2School YearPrompted School Year in theTeacher Course Assignment pageM15regtb_school_year School year cannot be less than 2011.
3Buildingschd_ms building where the course is being taughtM15   
4Submission  typeUpdate as ‘STAFCOURSE’    Required for summary/search
5Reporting DateStart date from promptM10  Use this date to extract the information.
6IEINreg_staff. staff_state_IDM    
7Local Teacher IDreg_staff. staff_IDM50   
8Teacher Last Namereg_staff.last_nameM30   
9Teacher First Namereg_staff.first_nameM30   
10Teacher birthdatereg_staff.birthdateM10   
11Teacher Serving RCDTSServing RCDTS is the state code equivalent of the building for reg_building.state_code_equiv                             M15   
12Employer RCDTSreg_district.state_code_equivM4   
13Termreg_mp_weeks.state_code_equiv table and override is at district level.reg_user_district; screen_number = 515; field_number = 1M2  The state code equivalent for the marking period setup. Data will be extracted based on reporting period dates and marking period dates. 
14State Course CodeData is extracted from mr_crsequ_det.state_code _equiv for the course_id that is being processed. M9  

For example: 02002A005

Only courses that have the state course should be extracted for reporting.

15Local Course IDschd_ms.courseO50  

For example: 52102A005

Use the Master schedule Course information for the school year being processed.

Match with the course id extracted for student course assignment.

16Local Course Titleschd_ms.description for the course_id being processed.O100  

Use the description from Master schedule for the course being processed. Match with the course description extracted for student course assignment.

For example: Engineering and design drafting

17Section NumberConcatenate local_course_id and course_section for the course /section_key being processed.M10  

If local course = ‘1001’ and course_section = 2 , then the section number will be 10012. If local course is 10 chars  long then Trim it to/ restrict it to 8 characters and include complete detail for the course section. For Example: if course is ‘1000000021’and Course section is 5. Trim and submit it as 1000000005 for section number.

18Teacher course Start DateData is extracted from schd_ms_staff_date.start_date for staff_id and for the section key being processed. M10  

The date format is mm/dd/yyyy. When extracting the data from schd_ms_staff_date, make sure that the dates are within the prompted start - end date.

If no data is available, then check for calculated field  that uses:

Prompt dates in reg_mp_dates and Marking period information in schd_ms_mp

This helps you check when the course meets and you can arrive at the start date for the course.

19Role of Professional

District-defined field at staff level.Data is extracted from schd_ms_staff_user.field_number = 1 for the staff_id and section_key being processed.

If no value is defined in the table specified above, then check in reg_user_staff screen_number =700, field_number = 1.If data does not exist at both these locations, then default to code 01.


Override the data at Master Schedule Course Staff level if value exists.

If no value exists, then check staff district-defined.

If value is not available in either of these locations, then default to code 01.

20Teacher Commitment

District-defined fieldData is extracted from schd_ms_staff_user.field_number = 3 for the staff_id and section_key being processed.

If no value is defined in the table specified above, then check in reg_user_staff screen_number =700, field_number = 3.If data does not exist at both these locations, then default to 1.00


Override the data at Master Schedule Course Staff level if value exists.

If no value exists, then check staff district-defined.

If value is not available in either of these locations, then default to code 1.00

21Actual Attendance (class)BlankO    
22Total Attendance (class)BlankO    
23Teacher Course end date     Data is extracted from schd_ms_staff_date.start_date for staff_id and for the section key being processed.M10  

The date format is mm/dd/yyyy. When extracting the data from schd_ms_staff_date, make sure that the dates are within the prompted start - end date.

If no data is available, then check for calculated field  that uses:

Prompt dates in reg_mp_dates and Marking period information in schd_ms_mp

This helps you check when the course meets and you can arrive at the start date for the course.

24Reason for Exit

District-defined fieldData is extracted from schd_ms_staff_user.field_number = 2 for the staff_id and section_key being processed.

If no value is defined in the table specified above, then check in reg_user_staff screen_number =700, field_number = 2.If data does not exist in both of these locations, then default to code 01.


Override the data at Master Schedule Course Staff level if value exists.

If no value exists, then check staff district-defined.

If value is not available in either of these locations, then default to code 01

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