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System Setup

The following sections cover general eSchoolPlus setup for state reporting.

District Definition - State ID Assignment Panel

Administration > General Setup > District > District

Require State IDChoose option N-Use State Id (Not Required)
Maximum State ID Length9
Length Must Equal MaximumChecked
State ID LabelWhatever you call this is what the field will look like on the Personal Information Page
Automatically Assign State IDsN- State IDs are not auto-assigned

Illinois Security Resources

Administration > Security > Users > Security Profile

These are the available security resources for a user.  You may limit a user's access by only giving specific securities (by checking the Illinois State Reporting checkbox, the users would get every item underneath checked).

Under the Maintenance option – there is a resource for each specific maintenance section.  For example, if you give a user ONLY the PREID option, then they will only be able to see the ISBE – Pre Id page and none of the others.

Security Resource


Maintenance - CONFIG

Allows the user to see and maintain the Exclude Entry Codes from State Reports page (Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > Exclude Entry Codes from State Reports)

Maintenance - COURSE

Allows the user to see and maintain the Core Course flag on State Course Info Screen in Master Schedule / Course Catalog (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > State Course Info or Scheduling > Courses > District or Building Courses > State Course Info)

Maintenance – EARLY

Allows the user to see and maintain the ISBE ELL page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE Early Childhood)

Maintenance – ELL

Allows the user to see and maintain the ISBE EL with ELL Screener page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE EL with ELL Screener)

Maintenance – EXCLUDESTU

Allows the user to see and maintain the ISBE Exclude Students from State Reports page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > Exclude Students from State Reports)

Maintenance – ILISHOME

Allows the user to see and maintain the ISBE Homeless page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE Homeless)

Maintenance - ISBE

Allows the user to see and maintain the ISBE page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE)

Maintenance - PREID

Allows the user to see and maintain the ISBE Pre-ID page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE Pre-Id)

Maintenance – PREK

Allows the user to see and maintain the ISBE Pre-K Followup page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE Pre-K Followup)

Maintenance – RCDTS

Allows the user to see and maintain the RCDTS Override Program Information (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs)

Maintenance – STUDOWN

This feature is not yet available for 4.0 and will be released in a future version.

Maintenance – TBETPI

Allows the user to see and maintain the TBE and TPI programs on the Programs page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs)

Medical Report – DENTAL

Allows the user to run the IL Dental Conservation Report (Regulatory > Medical Reports > Medical Reports > IL Dental Conservation Report)

Medical Report – EYE

Allows the user to run the IL Eye Examination Report (Regulatory > Medical Reports > Medical Reports > IL Eye Examination Report)

Medical Report – HEARING

Allows the user to run the IL Hearing Conservation Report (Regulatory > Medical Reports > Medical Reports > IL Hearing Conservation Report)

Medical Report – IMMUNE

Allows the user to run the IL Immunization Report (Regulatory > Medical Reports > Medical Reports > IL Immunization Report)

Medical Report – VISION

Allows the user to run the IL Vision Conservation Report (Regulatory > Medical Reports > Medical Reports > IL Vision Conservation Report)

Run Reports – FALL

Allows the user to run the Fall Housing Report (Regulatory > Reports > Reports > IL Fall Housing Report)

Run Reports – RUNRPT

Allows the user to run the IL General Aid Audit Report  (Regulatory > Reports > Reports > IL General Aid Audit Report)

Run Reports - SCHLRC

Allows the user to run the IL School Report Card Report (Regulatory > Reports > Reports > IL School Report Card)

Run Reports – YREND

Allows the user to run the IL Year End Report (Regulatory > Reports > Reports > IL End of Year Report)

Setup and Configuration – VALTAB

Allows the user access to the Illinois State Reporting option in Validation Tables (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables)


Allows the user access to the Purge ISBE Submission Files option (Regulatory > ISBE > ISBE > IL Purge ISBE Submission Files)


Allows the user access to any option under the ISBE heading level (Regulatory > ISBE > ISBE)


Allows the user access to the Download ISBE Submission Files option (Regulatory > ISBE > ISBE > IL Download ISBE Submission Files)


Allows the user access to the Extract ISBE Submission Files option (Regulatory > ISBE > ISBE > IL Extract Submission Files)

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