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Student Discipline

Field #Field NameeSchoolPLUS table.columnRequired?Field LengthValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPlus?Notes
2SAP Idreg.student_id     
3Legal Last Namereg.last_name     Removes special characters
4Legal First Namereg.first_name     Removes special characters
5Birth Datereg.birthdate     
6RCDTS for Home School

reg.alt_building - state_code_equiv (program tracked ILALT)

Uses the RCDTS Override field from the RCDTS Program if set.

    This will pull the RCDTS Home School as of the Incident Date
7RCDTS for Serving School

reg.building converted (state_code_equiv)

Uses the RCDTS Override field from the RCDTS Program if set.

    This will pull the RCDTS Home School as of the Incident Date
8School YearPrompted School Year     
9Incident DateDisc_incident.incident_date     
10Incident Case IDdisc_incident.incident_id     
11Incident NumberCalculated field    Calucated based on the number of incidents for an individual in a single day.  Defaults to 01 and increases if the student has more than 1 incident on a given day to 02, 03, etc.
12Disability TypeReg_disability.disability converted using regtb_disability.state_code_equiv    

Will default to 99 – None if no disability found

Only pulls the disabilities with order = 1

reg_district.use_disc_dates = ‘Y’ then only disabilities that are current during timeframe being processed with be included.

13Incident Type CodeDisc_incident.incident_code converted using disc_incident_code.state_code_equiv    Only pulls incidents during the school year being processed and only pulls incidents that have a state code equiv
14Disciplinary ActionDisc_off_action.action_code converted using disctb_off_action.state_code_equiv    Only pulls Actions with a state code equiv – logs a message if the Action is missing a state code equiv
15Disciplinary DurationDisc_off_action.actual_duration    You may enter any portion of a day in the Actual Duration field (i.e. 0.25 or 0.75).  When the ISBE Behavior/Discipline file is created, the system will round the value up to the next number and translate that to the State Codes (01 – 11where 01 is a day or less and 11 is anything more than 10 days).
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