Student Discipline
Field # | Field Name | eSchoolPLUS table.column | Required? | Field Length | Validation Table | Where in eSchoolPlus? | Notes |
1 | SID | reg_personal.state_report_id | |||||
2 | SAP Id | reg.student_id | |||||
3 | Legal Last Name | reg.last_name | Removes special characters | ||||
4 | Legal First Name | reg.first_name | Removes special characters | ||||
5 | Birth Date | reg.birthdate | |||||
6 | RCDTS for Home School | reg.alt_building - state_code_equiv (program tracked ILALT) Uses the RCDTS Override field from the RCDTS Program if set. | This will pull the RCDTS Home School as of the Incident Date | ||||
7 | RCDTS for Serving School | reg.building converted (state_code_equiv) Uses the RCDTS Override field from the RCDTS Program if set. | This will pull the RCDTS Home School as of the Incident Date | ||||
8 | School Year | Prompted School Year | |||||
9 | Incident Date | Disc_incident.incident_date | |||||
10 | Incident Case ID | disc_incident.incident_id | |||||
11 | Incident Number | Calculated field | Calucated based on the number of incidents for an individual in a single day. Defaults to 01 and increases if the student has more than 1 incident on a given day to 02, 03, etc. | ||||
12 | Disability Type | Reg_disability.disability converted using regtb_disability.state_code_equiv | Will default to 99 – None if no disability found Only pulls the disabilities with order = 1 reg_district.use_disc_dates = ‘Y’ then only disabilities that are current during timeframe being processed with be included. | ||||
13 | Incident Type Code | Disc_incident.incident_code converted using disc_incident_code.state_code_equiv | Only pulls incidents during the school year being processed and only pulls incidents that have a state code equiv | ||||
14 | Disciplinary Action | Disc_off_action.action_code converted using disctb_off_action.state_code_equiv | Only pulls Actions with a state code equiv – logs a message if the Action is missing a state code equiv | ||||
15 | Disciplinary Duration | Disc_off_action.actual_duration | You may enter any portion of a day in the Actual Duration field (i.e. 0.25 or 0.75). When the ISBE Behavior/Discipline file is created, the system will round the value up to the next number and translate that to the State Codes (01 – 11where 01 is a day or less and 11 is anything more than 10 days). |