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Student Course Assignment ISCS

Field #Field NameeSchoolPLUS table.columnRequired?Field LengthWhere in eSchoolPlus?Notes
1Student ID reg_personal.state_report_idY9  
2SAP ID reg.student_id50  
3Legal Last Name reg.last_name30  
4Legal First Name reg.first_name30  
5Birth Date reg.birthdate10 Format mm/dd/yyyy
6RCDTS Home School reg.alt_building - state_code_equiv (program tracked ILALT)15 

Note: default to the Serving School
if none entered If no alt building – use Entry/With building…

If anything for timeframe in Programs – RCDTS Overrides for Home School – this will override both Alt and E/W Building

7RCDTS Serving School reg_entry_with.building using reg_building.state_code_equiv15 If anything for timeframe in Programs – RCDTS Overrides for Serving School – this will override Entry/Withdrawal Building
8School Year 4 From the prompt

First, check for district-level override:

If student is in grade 9-12, reg_user_district.field_value where screen_number = 515 and field_number = 1

or If student is in grade K-8, reg_user_district.field_value where screen_number = 515 and field_number = 2

If no override:



Overrides: Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > ISBE ISCS Term: Term Override for 9-12 Grade or K8 Term

No override: Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Marking Periods: State Code Equivalent

10State Course CodeMr_crsequ_det for the course_id that is being processed. If there is no state course code in the mr_crsequ_det table. Check to see if data exists in the schd_course_user, screen_number 700, field_number 8Y9 E.g. 02002A005
11Local Course IDSchd_ms.course_idY50 E.g. 52102A005
12Local Course Title Obtain the course description from schd_course.description for the course_id being processed.Y100 Eg. Engineering and design drafting
13Student course Start Date 

Calculated field – obtain the enrollment / entry data for the current school year for the student from reg_entry_with and the course start end dates from schd_stu_crs_dates and report the narrowest date as the start date.

If there is no data in schd_stu_crs_dates for the student but if state course code is obtained use the marking period dates to arrive at the narrowest.

Y10 Mm/dd/yyyy
14Section Number 

Override:  schd_ms_user.field_value where screen_number = 700 and field_number = 10


No override: Schd_ms.Course_Section for the course/section_key being processed.


Override: Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > ISBE ISCS Information: Section Number Override

No override: Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule: Course Section

15Course Level  

Schd_ms_user, screen_number = 700, field_number = 3  for the section_key.

If there is no data in schd_ms_user, use the data from schd_course_user Screen number 700, field number 3.

Y2 Table validated: – ILTB_COURSE_LEVEL, obtain state course code for the code.
16Course Credit

For student in grade level with reg_grade.state_code_equiv set up in reg_user_district.screen_number = 515 and field_number = 3, use reg_user_district.field_value for screen_number = 515 and field_number = 6

For student in grade level with reg_grade.state_code_equiv set up in reg_user_district.screen_number = 515 and field_number = 7, use reg_user_district.field_value for screen_number = 515 and field_number = 10

Otherwise, take Mr_stu_hdr.earn_credit for the section_key being processed.


Setup for grade-level credit defaults: Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > ISBE ISCS Term: K-8 No Stu Marks Grade List (field 3); Default Course Credit (field 6); K-8 Stu Marks Grade List (field 7); Default Course Credit (field 10)

For all other courses: Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Report Card Summary > click course Description link > Course Information panel: Credit Earned

Example: 1.00
17Articulated Credit

Schd_ms_user, screen_number = 700, field_number = 6  for the section_key.

If there is no data in schd_ms use the data from schd_course_user Screen_number 700, field number 6.

Important – Field has an override at student course level.

If schd_stu_user screen_number =500 and field_number = 2 is checked for the student and course then set this field as 02.


Valid values 01 or 02.

Set to 02 for grades K-8.

18Dual Credit 

Schd_ms_user, screen_number = 700, field_number = 5  for the section_key.

If there is no data in schd_ms_user obtain data from schd_course_user Where screen_number = 700 and field_number is 5.

Important – Field has an override at student course level.

If schd_stu_user screen_number =500 and field_number = 1 is checked for the student and course then set this field as 02.


Valid values 01 or 02.

Set to 02 for grades K-8.

19Course Setting 

Schd_ms_user, screen_number = 700, field_number = 4  for the section_key.

If there is no data in schd_ms_user obtain data from schd_course_user screen_number 700 , field_number = 4.

Y2 Table validated: – ILTB_CRS_SETTING, obtain state course code for the code.
20Actual Attendance (class)blankOptional   
21Total Attendance (class)blankOptional   
22Single Parent 

Based on the prompt date , enrollment date and program tracked dates check if the student is in the Program where.state_code_equiv = ‘ILPNP’(New Program)

If the student is in the program output would be 01 else 02.

Required only if CTE flag (in schd_course_user screen Number 700; field_number =1 ) is set to ‘Y’2 Eg. 01 or 02
23Displaced Homemakers 

Based on the prompt date check the student is in the Program where state_code_equiv = ‘ILDIS’(New Program)

If the student is in the program output would be 01 else 02.

Required only if CTE flag (in schd_course_user screen Number 700; field_number =1 ) is set to ‘Y’2 Eg. 01 or 02
24Course numeric grade (term) 

If student has a reg_programs record for program_id = ISCS, crosswalk the program_value to the table ILTB_GRADE_CROSSWALK.course_grade_equiv.

If there is no program value, see if student’s grade level has reg_grade.state_code_equiv set up in reg_user_district.screen_number = 515 and field_number = 7.  Use reg_user_district.field_value for screen_number = 515 and field_number = 9 to crosswalk to iltb_grade_crosswalk.course_grade_equiv

Otherwise, based on the course mark type entered obtain the mark_value from mr_stu_marks for the section_key being processed. Crosswalk the mark value to the mapping table ILTB_GRADE_CROSSWALK.Course_grade_equiv and submit the equivalent.


The crosswalk table is accessed through Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > for Applications prompt, select Illinois State Reporting > for Validation Table prompt, select Course Grade Crosswalk

The student program is available through Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISCS Final Grade Override:  Course Final Letter Grade

Grade-level default grade is set up using Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > ISBE ISCS Term:  K-8 Stu Marks Grade List (field 7); Default Final Letter Grade (field 9)

For all other courses, convert mark value for the appropriate marking period and mark type: Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Report Card Summary > click course Description link

25Maximum Numeric grade 

Schd_ms_user. Screen_number 700, field_number 7.If data does not exist then obtain from schd_course_user screen number 700, field number 7

If data does not exist in course level then obtain from building district defined- sms_user_fields, screen_type = ‘B’, screen_number 400, field number = 1.

26Student Course end date     

For student in grade level with reg_grade.state_code_equiv set up in reg_user_district.screen_number = 515 and field_number = 3, use reg_user_district.field_value for screen_number = 515 and field_number = 4

Otherwise, this is a calculated field – obtain the enrollment data /withdrawal date for the current school year for student from reg_entry_with and the course end dates from schd_stu_crs_dates and report the narrowest date as the end date date.

If there is no data in schd_stu_crs_dates for the student but if state course code is obtained use the marking period dates to arrive at the narrowest.


For grade levels with default: Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > ISBE ISCS Term: K-8 No Stu Marks Grade List; Default Course End Date

Otherwise, follow standard calculation.

27Course Final Letter Grade/ Completion Status (Term) 

For student in grade level with reg_grade.state_code_equiv set up in reg_user_district.screen_number = 515 and field_number = 7, use reg_user_district.field_value for screen_number = 515 and field_number = 9.  Crosswalk the field_value to the mapping table iltb_grade_crosswalk.final_grade_equiv and submit the equiv value.

Otherwise, based on the course final grade mark type entered on prompt obtain the mark_value from mr_stu_marks for the section_key being processed. Crosswalk the mark value to the mapping table code.

ILTB_GRADE_CROSSWALK.final_grade_equiv and submit the equivalent.


Setup for grade-level final grade defaults: Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > ISBE ISCS Term: K-8 Stu Marks Grade List (field 7); Default Course Credit (field 9)

For all other courses: Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Report Card Summary > click course Description link > Marks/Credits/Comments/Absences panel: Student Mark for the appropriate mark type and marking period

Crosswalk table: Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > for Applications prompt, select Illinois State Reporting > for Validation Table prompt, select Course Grade Crosswalk

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