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Student Address

Field #Field NameeSchoolPLUS table.columnRequired?Field LengthValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPlus?Notes
1Address StatusDownload populates with value of AM1 N/A 
2Address TypeDownload populates with value of 01M2 N/A 
3Student IDreg_personal.state_report_idM9 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal > General panel: State ID field 
4SAP IDreg.student_idO50 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student Information bar: ID field 
5Legal Last Name

Use reg_legal_info.legal_last_name if it has a value.

If not, use reg.last_name

M30 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel: Last Name field 
6Legal First Name

Use reg_legal_info.legal_last_name if it has a value.

If not, use reg.last_name

M30 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel: First Name field 
7Birth Datereg.birthdateM10 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel: Birth Date field 
8RCDTS for Home School

reg_building.state_code_equiv for reg_programs.program_value where program_id = reg_program_column.program_id for state_code_equiv = H_RCDTS


reg_building.state_code_equiv for reg.alt_building


reg_building.state_code_equiv for reg_entry_with.building


The download goes through these steps:

  1. It checks to see if the student has an active program vector as of the Reporting Date for Home School RCDTS Override (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > click link for RCDTS - RCDTS Overrides).
  2. If there is no active vector for this program, the download checks whether the student has an active Alternate Building program vector (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Other Enrollment panel: Alternate Building field).
  3. If there is also no Alternate Building, use the student’s Entry/Withdrawal Building (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal: Building).
9RCDTS for Serving School

reg_building.state_code_equiv for reg_programs.program_value where program_id = reg_program_column.program_id for state_code_equiv = S_RCDTS


reg_building.state_code_equiv for reg_entry_with.building


The download goes through these steps:

It checks to see if the student has an active program vector as of the Reporting Date for Serving School RCDTS Override (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > click link for RCDTS - RCDTS Overrides).

If there is no active vector for this program, use the student’s Entry/Withdrawal Building (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal: Building).

10Street Address 1

Concatenation of the following reg_contact fields:

street_number + street_prefix + street_name + street_suffix + street_type

Use the first 50 characters.


Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses > Addresses panel > Mailing Address section: House Number + Street Prefix + Street Name + Street Suffix + Street Type

Address fields are available based on Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Registration District Configuration > Historical Address Tracking panel

To get the reg_contact record, use reg_stu_contact.contact_id where contact_type = M for the appropriate Student ID and District.
11Street Address 2reg_contact.complexO50 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses > Addresses panel > Mailing Address section: Complex fieldTo get the reg_contact record, use reg_stu_contact.contact_id where contact_type = M for the appropriate Student ID and District.
12Suite/Aptreg_contact.apartmentO30 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses > Addresses panel > Mailing Address section: Apt fieldTo get the reg_contact record, use reg_stu_contact.contact_id where contact_type = M for the appropriate Student ID and District.
13Cityreg_contact.cityM30 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses > Addresses panel > Mailing Address section: City field (unlabeled)To get the reg_contact record, use reg_stu_contact.contact_id where contact_type = M for the appropriate Student ID and District.
14Statereg_contact.stateM2 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses > Addresses panel > Mailing Address section: State field (unlabeled)To get the reg_contact record, use reg_stu_contact.contact_id where contact_type = M for the appropriate Student ID and District.
15Zipreg_contact.zipM9 Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses > Addresses panel > Mailing Address section: Zip Code field (unlabeled)To get the reg_contact record, use reg_stu_contact.contact_id where contact_type = M for the appropriate Student ID and District.
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