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Menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

First NameStudent First Name
Middle NameStudent Middle Name (* if blank)
Last NameStudent Last Name
Home LanguageStudent Home Language
Native LanguageStudent Native Language
GenderStudent Gender
Birth DateStudent Date of Birth
Alternate BuildingHome Building (District of Residence) – LEAVE this field blank if their serving and home building are the same.
US Enrollment Date

Use this date to determine the New Arrival/First Year in the United States value for the PARCC Pre-ID and DLM-AA Pre-ID files.

  • Only check this date if the student is active in the ELL Program as of the download Reporting Date (ELL and ELL Screener student page). Otherwise, set the New Arrival field to 02 – No.
  • If this date is within 12 months of the Reporting Date, set the New Arrival field to 01 – Yes.

When downloading ISBE files, the system will first look for a value in the RCDTS Overrides program (menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs) for a building. If no program record exists, then the system will look at the value in the Alternate Building program (Program ID ILALT). If no Alternate Building record is found then the system will use the student's Entry/Withdrawal building.

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